What to do when your hair is elastic? Find out below

Many women end up suffering from dry, fragile and fine hair. Many of them have this type of hair and don't know how to recover or even what leads to this factor, but this type of hair can be elastic hair and then I'll explain you a little bit about this and what to do when your hair is elastic.

The elastic hair is due to the fact that it has done a lot of chemical procedures on the strands and didn't wait the proper time for her to go back to chemistry, but even before this problem, your hair already suffers dryness just because it is subjected to chemicals.

You may be using the beautvip hair, so that you can at least keep your hair hydrated, using the capsule you will have softer, shiny, strengthened hair and even less hair loss. Besides being super practical for those people who are just looking for practicality.

When the hair is elastic, it has an effect as if it were rubber and thus causing the strand to stretch and not return to the actual size of the strands and thus ends up breaking. Using chemistry without taking a break, causes the hair fiber to be damaged, it makes breaking easier and the hair is super porous. But don't worry, if you're suffering from this type of problem, I'm going to list now what to do when your hair is stretchy so that you can revive the strands as quickly as possible.

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What to do when your hair is elastic

Know what to do with elastic hair.


First, the first step in what to do when your hair is elastic is to identify if your hair really looks like this, noting the texture of your hair, if it looks rubbery, if your strand is stretching and not returning to full size and breaking for being like this. In case you are still unsure how to identify, I will teach you how to identify in this first topic of what to do when hair is elastic.

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It is much easier to identify if your hair is elastic when the strands are damp, that is, wet your hair first to facilitate this identification process. Then separate any strand of hair and notice what happens when you straighten it. If your hair when you straightened it didn't come back to its normal size, that is, if it doesn't get back to the correct size and shrinks, you have elastic hair and then we started trying to solve this problem.

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No chemical procedures

Now that you've figured out if your hair is elastic, it's time to make some sacrifices to get your hair back, so you need to take all the necessary care for this problem to be resolved, so let's see what to do when the hair is down below. elastic.

The first one is stop doing chemical procedures in your lock, and whether they are any type of chemical procedure, such as smoothing, permanents and relaxations and even without changing the color of the threads, otherwise you will damage your hair fiber even more and aggravate the problem even more.

The use of chemical in the threads can weaken because the threads are very fragile and thus the natural elasticity of the hair is completely compromised, causing breakage, chemical cuts and even harms the texture of your threads, to the point that only cutting the hair to solve .

Another tip for what to do when your hair is elastic is decrease and, if possible, even suspend the use of dryer and flat iron, so that during this period you try to revive the threads, it does not weaken and reduce the little hydration that your threads are managing to maintain. Because the dryer and flat iron release heat during this period and it is this heat that you should be careful about.

See more tips for elastic hair care.

capillary schedule

What you should do when your hair is stretchy is the famous hairline schedule. Because you need to make use of products with keratin to have a better treatment, but you also need a lot of hydration, nutrients and all kinds of help for your hair to recover the lipids and water it lost.

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You now need a routine for your yarnSo doing nutrition, hydration and even investing in hair reconstruction for at least three a week for a month, and doing this for a while until your hair recovers. I separated this video below for you cI have common mistakes you can make when doing your hair schedule, so that you do it efficiently.

Know capillary schedule errors.

A tip of what to do when the hair is elastic is that when you are doing your hair schedule, you should take hair reconstruction into account and do it more often than usual. If you don't have time, don't want to do it, or even find this whole capillary scheduling process tiring. You may be using the beautvip hair, which also works as a hair schedule and will help you strengthen your hair, preventing breakage and giving more shine and softness. In other words, the treatment is from the inside out!