What Causes Cellulite? Know the reasons and how to treat

Currently, body care has grown exponentially, many women are giving relevance to preventing symptoms of inattention to the body, such as cellulite. That's why many vain people question what causes cellulite, and that's what we're going to show you here today, the reasons for the appearance of the dreaded cellulite and what to do to reduce it and for you to prevent it.

To treat cellulite, several women use the BeautVip Cel, which combats this obstacle, reducing the appearance of cellulite, since its properties are able to act inside the skin in fat nodules, in addition to moisturizing and leaving the skin healthier. So don't forget to provide the best care for your skin for the best results.

Now you will learn what cellulite is and what causes cellulite, as well as receiving amazing tips to prevent and alleviate skin cellulite, so follow here with us and get ready to rock.

What are cellulite?

Cellulite is an accumulation of fat, water and toxins in the skin. They are known for their wavy and irregular appearance, the famous “orange peel” appearance. This disarrangement of the skin occurs in regions that have greater ease in accumulating fat, such as the hips, buttocks, belly and thighs.

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This problem occurs more often in overweight women, but it can also occur in thin women, depending on the elasticity of the skin. According to the Brazilian Society of Dermatology, cellulite affects 95% of women after puberty. Cellulite is not a disease, but it is the reason for many women's discomfort.

Do you know what causes cellulite? In case you don't know, see here with us the reason for this problem.

What Causes Cellulite?

Now we are going to introduce you to what causes cellulite so that you are aware and we will also show you how to prevent and treat it, so check out this information here:

The causes of cellulite are linked to issues such as body biotype, gender and the accumulation of fat in certain areas of the skin. So women are the most likely to have these dimples, where there is a lot of fat in the cells.

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One of the causes for this problem is poor blood circulation, which impairs the drainage of toxins, causing them to accumulate in cells. In addition, the hereditary factor also contributes to women having cellulite and also emotional stress.

Another factor that can cause cellulite is the deregulation of hormones, such as the use of contraceptives and high levels of estrogen. Poor diet is also one of the causes for the emergence of cellulite, so invest in a good nutrition, and also the lack of physical exercise, which makes draining the body difficult.

Types of cellulite

Since you already know what causes cellulite, we will instruct you on how to identify it and its levels, so you can treat them properly:

Cellulite Grade 1

This degree is the calmest of all, as the accumulation of substances in the skin is not great. The appearance of cellulite is barely noticeable, it is only seen when the skin is contracted or strained.

Cellulite Grade 2

At this level, the accumulation of water, fat and toxins is a little higher, so it is already noticeable, with small undulations and irregularities in the skin.

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Grade 3 of cellulite

In this degree, in addition to visible holes in the skin, it is also possible to observe greater irregularities than the previous degree, and when pressed, these cellulite can be painful.

Grade 4 of cellulite

This degree is the highest of all, as cellulite, in addition to being painful, is large and has more undulations than the other levels. In addition, at this level, cellulite takes on a deeper aspect.

How to treat cellulite?

After teaching you what causes cellulite and how to identify it, we'll show you how to alleviate your skin problem so you can feel better about yourself.

One of the main tips to reduce cellulite is to get into the habit of having a good diet, avoiding fatty foods, and betting on the use of natural products, is to do physical exercise and massage in the regions where cellulite is located, to improve circulation and drainage of substances caused by cellulite.

Now you know what causes cellulite and how to alleviate it, and you also know some habits that can improve your skin's appearance, you can now put them into practice to shine.