Vegan Skin Care: Discover the best products for your routine

Self-care is something you can't give up, and when natural products or organic formulas are used, it gets even better. Skin care routines demand attention not only to the products, but also to the application. And that's why today we're going to talk about vegan skin care. Taking care of the skin can be something easy and still done without harming our animals.

To make things easier, I've separated some great quality products that will help you in your skin care routine that will leave your skin healthy, protected and, consequently, beautiful.

Talking about skin care, I could not fail to mention, first, the BeautVip. A wonderful capsule that will make your skin much more hydrated and lightened, in addition to leaving it younger and with ideal elasticity.

Basic Vegan Skin Care Routine

If you don't know how to do Skin Care, this is the time to learn.


Before introducing you to vegan products, let's see a little about the vegan skin care routine. I'll show you a little bit of the simpler process, which is also very efficient, so if you don't know how to do it, this is the time to learn.

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Initially, we are going to clean the skin so that all impurities are removed from the pores. In this step you can use a bar soap, liquid soap or foam. These products will be on our list. You can also make use of homemade products.


The second step is to moisturize your skin with a serum or a moisturizing cream. Pass and massage the product in circular motions and gently until the product is completely absorbed. You have the option of using just one or both, but care must be taken that the skin does not become oily.


Sunscreen is the most important part of the process, as it ensures that your skin will not be damaged by the aggression of the sun's rays. A product suitable for your skin type should be chosen.

It's also important that you use a lip balm, to protect your lips and still ensure they stay hydrated and soft. When choosing the balm, there are no rules. You can find it colorless or colored.

Once a week, use clays on the face to reinforce the routine. There are several color options to choose from, each with its own benefits. Before using, do a test, applying a little of the product behind the ear or in the crook of the arm to ensure that you will not have any allergies.

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The skin care routine needs to adapt to your lifestyle, so it is not necessary to use multiple products or make it too complex.

Vegan skin care products

I have separated the best products for you. We will see?

Okay, now you know how to make skin care, so let's get to know the vegan products to prepare it:

cleaning cloud

Cleansing the skin is the first step and cannot be overlooked. My product indication is the Vizzela Cleansing Cloud facial foam. It makes a deep cleansing of the skin, removing all makeup residues and impurities. It also hydrates the skin, as it has actives such as cotton extract and D-panthenol. This product is vegan, free of parabens and sulfates and hypoallergenic.

facial serum

Facial serum is one of the favorite products of skin care lovers. That's because it has a large amount of actives that bring several benefits to the skin. The Easy Serum I chose is Vegana brand, as the name says, the product is entirely of vegetable origin and produced in its own plantation. It deeply hydrates the skin, especially the most sensitive ones.

It is composed of several oils beneficial to the health and is indicated for use in the morning or at night. On application, use in small amounts, gently spreading over the face until completely absorbed.

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water gel

The differential of this moisturizer is that it is in gel. It gives an immediate feeling of freshness. It is an oil-free product, that is, it can be used by those with oily skin. This product is produced with eight hyaluronic acids with three molecular weights, thus acting on all skin layers. It also has the presence of D-panthenol and cotton extract. It is recommended to use daily.

Xoxo Vizzela lip balm

Do not think that the lips are left out of the Skin Care routine. Moisturizing them is essential, as the skin on the lips is more delicate, therefore, it requires more attention so that it does not dry out and crack. As you already know, the balm has no secret, just apply when you feel the need. The choice of lip balm is Xoxo da Vizela, that's because it contains shea butter, SPF 20 and is free of sulfates, parabens and mineral oil.

Bioart Sun Face Protector

The most important step is this, because it's no use moisturizing all of your skin and leaving it exposed to lights that can damage our skin. Bioart's protector is natural and has a technology called Solartechbio with physical photoprotection.

It is present in the composition, marigold, açaí, jojoba and other minerals that will help prevent aging caused by UVA rays. In addition to being vegan, it also contributes to the health of nature, as the packaging is 100% recyclable.