How to get big nails: follow the tips below

Today we will teach you how to have large nails in a natural way, we will also show that it is possible to make them grow. Come with us and we will give you the best tips to get the long dreamed of big and natural nails by Brazilian women.

The first tip is the capsules BeautyVip Hair, they help to strengthen and grow your nails. Its proven effectiveness will make them even more beautiful and healthy and will help a lot in the process of how to have big nails

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Nail care:

Starting with a gesture so common among people, but which is known to hinder almost 100% of nail growth. Putting them in the mouth and gnawing them affects its growth and strengthening, causing a certain delay over time.

Even if the person does not have the habit of biting them, the nails can simply end up breaking, due to their natural weakening, causing women to undergo unnatural stretching procedures. Techniques that use gel and the well-known fiberglass. The downside of these procedures is that it needs to be done with a certain frequency, increasing the cost for it. They also harm natural nails.

But we are here to teach you how to strengthen and how to have large nails in a natural way, leaving aside all those unnatural and costly processes. If you really want to know how to have big and healthy nails, come with us and we will show you the best ways for the result to be effective.

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How to strengthen your nails:

As mentioned before, one of the main reasons why nails do not grow is that the nails live in contact with our mouth, causing it to weaken. One of the most important tips is: keep your nails away from your mouth. Just by putting your nails close to your mouth they end up losing their strength, so stop right away if you want to have big, healthy nails.

The almond shape is the most suitable for those who want big nails.

Another method for them to grow naturally is to pay attention to the corners of our nails. Do you know those little corners that, whether you like it or not, end up getting stuck in clothes? They detract from growing properly, causing them to break as you grow them. The ideal format for growth is the rounded.

A very common technique among Brazilian women is the use of a strengthening base, an essential ally in the life of the nails. It provides the nutrients needed to strengthen the nails if done frequently. THE hydration turns out to be one of the main techniques used in strengthening nails.

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It is already well known among people, for being used on hair and skin. Because of this, the nails also require a certain amount of hydration, as they end up drying out over time, causing their weakening. So here's a valuable tip for you who've noticed that your nails are weakening, use moisturizing creams. This helps a lot in hydration, and if possible, use it before nail polishing.

Massage ends up being one of the good old habits present in our daily lives, so that's why, start massaging your hands. This results in better blood circulation, improving blood flow. So never forget to massage your fingertips, this is essential if you want to learn how to have long nails.

Always try to use the best products.

The well-known acetone, our favorite nail polish remover, is a great ally in strengthening and growing our nails. By choosing to use them, you end up strengthening them, as they contain strengthening substances, so just by doing this simple gesture, you also end up helping your nails.

As it was said before that acetone helps and a lot in strengthening our nails, we cannot forget to mention that removing the enamel in the correct way influences a lot in the growth of the same. So always opt for the best nail polish remover, such as acetone itself, as explained above.

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It is inevitable that the enamel starts to peel, with this, we often choose to remove it with the nail itself. This turns out to be the worst possible way, causing the removal of the existing protective layer on our nails, thus losing their strength.

Vitamins A, B, C and D are very strong allies in strengthening not only how to have big nails, but our entire body. The nails benefit a lot from these vitamins, so try to insert foods that have these vitamins. Even if you don't believe it, your diet plays a very important role in the health of your nails and turns out to be one of the simplest possible methods.

Getting away from the subject, do you know when you do household activities, such as washing the dishes, the house or even the bathroom? So, when performing these activities, our nails come into contact with chemical products, which end up harming our nails' health a lot. Because of this, we recommend always wearing gloves if you plan to carry out any of these household activities.

Many people use their nails to open objects, and this turns out to be normal in our daily lives. Because of this, they end up breaking because you force them too much. This is another common habit in our day-to-day that can easily be reduced, thus causing a considerable improvement in the health of our nails.