How many cm does hair grow per month? See below

Many women who want to have long hair, wonder how many cm their hair grows per month. But of course there are some circumstances that affect this growth and for that reason I bring this theme to today's article. Before we talk deeply how many cm the hair grows per month, we need to understand that the hair must always be healthy, for this reason you may be using the beautvip hair, which will give a healthy appearance to the strands, working as a hair schedule, acting directly on the strands, thus strengthening them and preventing them from falling.

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How many cm does hair grow per month?

Find out how many cm your hair grows per month.

We must emphasize that the speed at which your hair can grow per month will depend on each person, as each one has a different routine and it is important to know this so that there is no frustration later. But of course professionals have wondered how many cm hair grows per month, and with that they came to a consensus that hair grows about a millimeter every three days. In other words, at the end of the month, this will give one centimeter and adding it to twelve centimeters in the year.

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However, as I pointed out, this number can vary from person to person, so the speed at which the hair will grow remains constant. Your hair may grow a little more or a little less than you expect, but it will keep increasing month to month and so will follow a normal pattern for your body.

Now that you know how many cm your hair grows per month, let's talk more now about questions that can arise with the process. The first one, which I see a lot of people ask themselves when researching how many cm their hair grows per month, is whether the shape of the hair helps with growth.

And the answer is: No! In other words, it has nothing to do with this statement, as curly and frizzy hair follow the same growth pattern as wavy and straight hair. The difference is that the shape between them is really noticeable, as in the frizzy and curled hair, the hair tends to shrink more.

And because they shrink more, it gives an impression that they are not growing, but it is completely wrong, as we saw that the hair follows a pattern of growth independent of the hair, so it is just an impression due to the shape of the hair.

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One thing that has been hit the key a lot here are the products you can use on your hair. It is extremely important to use products that are for your hair type. Hair, dry, oily, brittle or also in contact with a chemical, requires a very specific care for the hair.

What should I eat to keep my hair growing?

See the foods that help hair growth.

If you've researched how many cm your hair grows per month, you've noticed that your hair isn't growing as it should, and you want to know how to get it back with the growth through eating, you've come to the right place. Hair and nails are the last parts of your body that will receive the nutrients that are needed for their development. That's why it's extremely important that you have the necessary amount of components that help keep these parts nourished and strong, so food can help.

You may be eating carrots, broccoli, dark green leaves, cauliflower and lentils to help make your metabolism healthier and thus give your strands a boost to stay strong and grow as usual. You may have heard from your mother to take vitamin D or even E, I used to hear this a lot from mine and look, they were right, because our threads are made up of a high protein content, so their intake is very important, so vitamins D, E and F become the main sources.

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Keratin and amino acids are in charge of guaranteeing the water in the hair, and thus making it stronger, that is, maintaining their content is reasonable in your body and will be of extreme help. Iron is also very necessary for you to be able to keep up the hair growth rate, you may be keeping meat at least twice a week in your meals. If the food isn't helping, maybe it's a mental problem.

If you are stressed or anxious, this may be what is causing your hair not to grow, as our body tends to warn us when something is bad and it will warn us through, for example, our hair. And so affecting their growth and even causing loss of hair, so let's be careful and seek help if needed. Well, now you know how many cm your hair grows per month and you know what you can be eating to maintain the standard hair growth, always keep your hair healthy, and of course your body too!