Thin hair know how to treat

The dream of women is to have full, full-bodied hair that doesn't fall in piles all the time. What most don't know is that you can change this very easily, through changes in habits. Sounds too easy, but it's true. Several things we do on a daily basis and we think there is no harm, cause thinning hair, and consequently, the search for solutions that seem impossible.

Thin hair also means little hair, and it's a problem for good women. The fact of having our hair with little volume and little life makes us feel low and run after methods to solve this problem.

Many of us complain about the same problem, but not all cases of flat hair have the same reason, for example: Genetic factor, daily stress, allergy, lack of vitamins and chemical side effects. These are some of the examples that can reduce the volume of hair, causing the effect of "shallow hair" However, there are solutions that can restore the strength and "body" of our hair. Want to know what these methods would be? So, follow the article and see the tips we've prepared!

Keep reading this article and see what habit changes are needed to improve thinning hair.

consume vitamin supplements

A great option for supplements is the BeautyVip Hair, as it has vitamins that help in hair growth, strengthen the hair, thus reducing the fall, improving the structure of the strands, therefore, reducing breakage. It also contributes to the health of the skin, strengthening and making it firmer and the nails, contributing to healthy growth.

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In addition to being easy to use -since it is used only once a day, between breakfast and lunch - it is a natural product, free of contraindications and recommended by ANVISA. It can be used by both men and women and has been the greatest ally of beauty care. We strongly recommend using it!

We have a very fast pace of life or we have unforeseen events in our daily lives, making it difficult for us to eat healthy. A person who is adept at veganism, for example, may be lacking in some nutrients, depending on how she feeds

It is also recommended that we keep our blood test up to date. If you haven't had this test for a long time, go to a nutritionist and ask for a blood test that can detect the absence of vitamins. If you are low on any nutrient or vitamin, you can supplement by taking supplements until everything stabilizes.

Escape from formaldehyde-based treatments!

Formaldehyde is able to make changes in the hair structure, resulting in thinner, thinner and more porous hair. When used in large amounts, it can also cause severe irritation to the scalp and worse, the own fall, which causes the appearance of thinning hair.

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If you can't or don't want to avoid straightening, choose different chemicals that are less harmful and still consider reducing the amount of chemicals in your hair to keep it healthy.

Formaldehyde makes a barrier in the strands, which prevents a part of the nutrients present in the products we use in treatments from reaching the hair, in addition to causing the strands to weaken.

More space for discolorations and dyes

Although we love it, the dye can damage our hair. It's great when it comes to increasing our self-esteem, but if used too much, it can have the opposite effect.

Changing the look is something that always goes down well, often becomes essential for self-esteem! Besides, only we know how good it is to keep our hair color fresh. The chance to dye your hair the color we love and dream of, from platinum gray to more exotic shades like pink, can be a delightful thing to do.

But it is good to remember that dyes and discolorations unfortunately contribute to the weakening of the threads, as they lose lipids and proteins with these procedures. Ammonia, present in most dyes, penetrates the hair fiber, opening the space for the colors to be deposited. This procedure is aggressive!

An alternative is to try the use of toners, which also give the expected result and with less aggression to our hair!

Balance your nutrition

I don't even need to talk about the importance of healthy eating, right? Consuming more nutrients not only helps the hair, but the entire body.

The foods we eat influence not only our health but also our appearance. Sugar and saturated fats, if consumed in excess, unbalance the action of our hormones, exposing the body to different types of diseases and discomfort to our aesthetics.

Unsuitable nutrients increase free radicals, enemies of the capillary. They can also hinder the action of other good cells in our body, causing the increase of terrible wrinkles, increasing sagging, weakening hair and accelerating aging.

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By consuming positive nutrients and antioxidants, we are able to ward off free radicals, helping to maintain our beauty and our daily mood.

Keep your hair hydrated

Consider doing a deep cleaning on the strands, it helps to remove impurities, so that your hair gains health. This process is also recommended to prepare the threads for the entry of nutrients from routine capillary hydration

Adopt a capillary schedule with hydration, nutrition and reconstruction stages, as it helps to replenish the water lost in the hair, and replenish the protein in the capillary fibers, resulting in stronger tresses with more life. For this, you need to use 3 different masks, alternating between their use, thus having a 100% treatment.

Hydration ensures healthy, beautiful and strong hair. In addition to not being something difficult to do alone (a).

good to remember

Seeing a doctor once in a while can get you out of bigger problems.

We can have several situations that can cause thinning hair. But luckily we have several ways out of this situation and more beautiful and healthier hair! However, if you still have the problem of thinning hair, even after at-home treatments and changes in habits, we recommend that you seek a professional for a diagnosis.

Some diseases can cause hair loss. The most common problem is stress, but there are other very common illnesses that can cause frequent hair loss. Consulting a specialist doctor, you will be evaluated and receive an ideal prescription for your type of problem, which can be treated quickly. Always remember to put your health first.