Facial Schedule: What It Is and How to Create a Face Care Routine

If there's one thing that has become quite common on social media, it's the famous skin cares. A skin care is nothing more than keeping a facial schedule, that is, keeping daily care with the face area. Knowing that more and more women are looking to create their own facial schedule, we brought you some tips on how to keep your skin healthy, through daily care, such as washing your face correctly and applying moisturizing products.

However, if your skin is a little lifeless, dry, or with some strange spots, be aware that all this could be happening, due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. Our skin, as well as our hair, need nutrients to keep looking healthy. But luckily, the BeautVip, the divas' favorite vitamin, brings all the vitamins your skin needs in a single capsule, to ensure smoothness and shine, and to keep blemishes or other imperfections away.

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But what is facial schedule?

Let's explain to you now, what this routine is about, that millions of women around the world have already adopted.

Just like our hair, our skin needs basic daily care. the same way we do hair moisturizers, the use of certain products on the facial skin, brings unimaginable benefits. However, many women end up leaving these cares aside in their daily routine, which ends up causing the appearance of spots, acne, pimples, etc. A facial or skin care schedule is about maintaining a concise skin care routine, starting from washing to moisturizing.

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Many women claim that the routine of the facial schedule has brought very positive results for the skin on the face, and that this has done wonders for self-esteem. Many of us find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, and end up enjoying laziness whenever we can. However, a skin care routine can be a great ally to get you out of bed and take care of yourself a little more.

Here, we will do everything to create a routine that is not too complex to follow, and that you spend just a few minutes of your day. We'll also think about the economy, so that you don't need to spend too much of your money.

Daytime care:

I bet you already know, but yes, the first care you should take in your facial schedule is face cleansing. First you must find a soap that matches your skin type (no use of those simple soaps, without moisturizing action). Oily skin will need an oily skin soap, and so it works with other skin types. The best option is to pay a visit to your dermatologist, to find out which type of product is the most suitable for your face.

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Also bet on a micellar water, which is not only used to remove makeup, but also to moisturize and remove oil from the skin.

Overnight care:

I know it's a bit repetitive for thousands of women, but for all that is most sacred: Don't sleep with makeup on! Before going to bed, take a few minutes to remove makeup with micellar water, then wash your face with soap, and finish off with the application of astringent lotion or tonic. Also apply some moisturizer that stimulates collagen production.

Care during the week:

There are some basic cares you should follow, and one of them is to keep your face clean and hydrated at all times.

The ideal is that in the Monday, be it the day of care more linked to cleaning, like the cleaning mentioned above, followed by the application of a sunscreen, and just that.

At TuesdayYou should include in your facial schedule the use of a bleaching cream. It is indicated, especially for those who have many skin spots and want to reduce their appearance. After its application, just finish with the sunscreen of your choice.

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Now at Wednesday, you will remove excess dead cells, which may be cluttering your skin's pores. Use whatever exfoliation products you want, and if you have oily skin, do this step at least twice a week. If your skin is dry, it is recommended that you do it for 15 to 15 days only.

At Thursday make a deeper hydration, using micellar water and whitening cream. Before bed, apply a moisturizing mask, and sleep with it on your face.

For you Friday with well-groomed skin, just use a revitalizing cream on the area near the eyes, to reduce puffiness and dark circles.

At the Saturday use bleaching cream, then sunscreen, and if you're going to use makeup, apply a coat of primer first.

At the Sunday, you will have a care, which is actually indicated for the rest of the week. Apply a scrub (labial please) to your lips and massage for a few minutes. Then just apply a little lip moisturizer, before using a lipstick.

So that's it, these are the precautions you should take to keep your face always smooth and without imperfections. So, no skipping the steps of your facial schedule huh?