Moisturizing for Broken Hair – 5 foolproof recipes

When it comes to hair, every action we have with it is of paramount importance to keep it always strong and healthy. However, sometimes our wires end up becoming weak and brittle, and we end up despairing and looking for solutions left and right. Knowing that, we brought in this article, Hydration tips for broken hair, as well as 5 foolproof recipes for your hair to come back in full force again:

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Why is my hair breaking?

The wires can break anywhere along their length. However, there are several key factors that contribute to this happening, and one of them is lack of vitamins. Our hair needs several vitamins and minerals to keep growing strong and healthy. However, consuming all these nutrients every day is not an easy task.

Luckily, the BeautVip, which is the favorite vitamin supplement of Brazilian divas and women, has all the necessary vitamins and minerals so that the hair does not become weak and brittle. I leave this tip here, so that you don't end up falling for the scam of other vitamins, which promise worlds and funds, but end up not generating any kind of result. The benefits of the BeautVip capsule have been proven by several influencers and Brazilian divas, so you can take it without fear.

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In addition to vitamin deficiency, other factors, such as the lack of periodic hydration, can be largely responsible for your hair becoming brittle. Luckily, moisturizing for broken hair is there for you to get around this situation that your hair is going through.

Moisturizing for broken hair:

If you are desperate to know how to recover broken hair, then stay with us, we will help with this problem. Let's try our best, using only ingredients, common in any Brazilian's house.

Homemade hydration with aloe: And let's go with a super classic hydration, which I bet most women use. However, many of them do not know that this technique is a great hydration for broken hair, as aloe has several actives responsible for revitalizing and moisturizing the hair.

Recipe: Cut an aloe leaf in the conventional way (if you want, you can take off the aloin of the leaf first), then add the pulp of the leaf, to your favorite moisturizing cream, and mix it with a plastic spoon (no metal spoon), and after that, apply under the hair and let it act for about 30 minutes . If desired, remove the mixture only with conditioner. Another nice tip is to add a little bit of Castor oil. Though simple, this is a great moisturizer for broken hair.

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Homemade hydration with banana: No, bananas don't just go well with your breakfast or your bowl of açaí. Know that the lipids present in the composition of bananas are responsible for bringing a hydrating and revitalizing effect to broken or even dry hair.

Recipe: Take approximately 100ml of milk, a ripe banana (not green please), and a few drops of coconut oil. Now all you have to do is blend everything in a blender, and apply this great moisturizing mixture for broken hair to your already clean, damp strands. Then, just wait 20 minutes to remove everything, and condition your hair normally.

Moisturizing your hair with everyday food is the most suitable for those who are suffering from hair breakage!

Homemade hydration with okra: If you, like me, aren't a big fan of okra, then I'm sure you must have turned up your nose at this recipe. However, be aware that okra has several important nutrients for our hair, and that is why it will be essential for this hydration for broken hair.

Recipe: Take 2 okra, cut them and add them to the water. Then just give them a dent and let them rest for about 2 hours. The green juice from the okra (which is very similar to a dribble), will be strained, and added to a moisturizing cream, with 100 ml of water and two tablespoons of vegetable oil. This mixture should work under clean, damp hair for about 40 minutes.

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Homemade hydration with olive oil: Olive oil has several nutrients needed by our hair, and this makes it perfect for moisturizing. If you don't even want to dream about broken hair, just follow this tip.

Recipe: Just add 1 teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil to your moisturizing cream, mix and leave to act under the hair for 15 minutes. Then just rinse and finish in the way you find most convenient.

Olive oil, in addition to being a great ally for a healthy life, can also keep your hair hydrated, ending hair breakage.

Homemade hydration with mayonnaise: This one sure took you by surprise, but know that mayonnaise is also a great source of nutrients. However, make use of this hydration, before using the conditioner, so that you can eliminate the strong odor of the mayonnaise.

Recipe: (I was expecting one of my thousand and one variations of the word recipe, right?), well, just add a part of mayonnaise, in an equal part of moisturizing cream, and apply under the hair for about 20 minutes, and after that, rinse them and finish them as you prefer.

Well, that's it for now, I hope one of those moisturizing recipes for broken hair might have served you.