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Foot care: See what care is important for them

It's super important to keep foot care in your daily routine. Look!

Including foot care in your daily routine is something that many people still do not do, but today we are going to give you some tips for including foot care in your daily life. After all, they work all day to support our bodies and often end up suffering from a tight shoe, or a high heel that ends up causing some internal or external injury. Taking care and giving your feet a moment of relaxation can improve the quality of life and thus cause a feeling of greater rest.

With this we have prepared some foot care that you can include in your daily skin routine, after all, having a night routine also helps in the feeling of lightness and relaxation at night.

A very important tip to include in these cares is the use of BeautVip Cel, in addition to being a great ally in the loss of measures and cellulite reduction, it reduces stretch marks, leaves the skin younger and firmer, helps with sagging and skin blemishes. And together with the gel, you can also include in your routine the use of BeautyVip Hair to help strengthen your nails, making them more beautiful and healthier, not to mention that it improves the appearance of the skin, this pair becomes the perfect combination to include in our daily routine.

What care is important for our feet?

The simplest of all is always to choose shoes that are comfortable to spend the day, they need to mold the shape of your feet and in the correct size, offering the support and cushioning your feet need. Avoiding walking without any shoes is also a foot care tip that we should include, this habit can cause heel cracks due to the friction of the feet with the ground, depending on the crack, it can even cause bleeding and hurt the heel.

High heels can be a major villain in causing foot wear.

For those women who don't do without a big high heel during the day, it is always advisable to take a more comfortable shoe wherever you go, so that as soon as your feet start to hurt you can change during that day, thus preventing your feet from becoming wear even more because of the high heels.

Did you know that we should avoid removing cuticles? So it is! Despite what many say, it is not recommended to remove cuticles in both toenails and fingernails. They act as a barrier preventing the entry of fungi and microorganisms, so we should not remove them, the correct thing is just to push them and keep them constantly hydrated, this is a very important tip and should also be included in your nail care, taking care of the whole body is essential for our self-esteem and self-care.

The most basic tip of foot care is to clean the feet well with soap and water and keep them always dry is also a very important and fundamental process, as it prevents possible bacteria to agglomerate due to the moisture present, and after proper washing and drying, we can include a specific foot moisturizer and even BeautVip Cel in these foot cares for deep hydration and prevention of skin dryness.

Our feet also need an exfoliation, as it removes dead cells and helps in the deep hydration of the skin, it is recommended to concentrate this exfoliation closer to the heel because of the cracks that appear over time, which can also be an ally to remove them.

Keeping feet clean, dry and hydrated must be taken care of daily.

Many people suffer from the bad smell of their feet, the famous foot odor. This odor is caused by fungi and bacteria that agglomerate due to the moisture in the feet, and it can even be caused by our sweat.

But for everything there is a solution, and making use of all the tips we have put here about foot care, these odors can be greatly reduced, but to complement this care you can also use foot deodorant, it will absorb the moisture present in the feet caused by sweating, but only after washing and leaving the feet very dry that the deodorant should be applied, so that its effectiveness is complete.

And last, but not least, and perhaps the easiest foot care tip, is to cut your nails well, which can be weekly or every 15 days, in order to prevent them from becoming engrossed or becoming a future inflammation.

Using all these tips on a daily basis, you can be sure that you will improve your quality of life, and cause the feeling of rest in your body after a long day of tasks, and also prevent a lot of future problems that we may have with our feet over the years.

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