How to remove aloina from aloe

Aloe Vera, also known as Aloe Vera, is one of the most versatile plants, when it comes to treating the skin, hair, or even using medicinal plants. One of the most sought-after compounds in this super plant is Aloina, which, unlike what many people think, is not that gel we use on hair and skin, but the yellow liquid of the aloe. The only problem is that a lot of people don't know how to get aloina out of the aloin.

Aloe vera is widely used for hair and skin treatments, but combining its use with one of the best vitamin supplements on the market is the most suitable. THE BeautyVip Hair, in addition to providing the growth and strengthening of nails and hair, it also leaves your skin smooth, and keeps cellulite away. You can trust that it is the best option in daily supplementation available on the market, as it was produced with a revolutionary technology, by the hands of scientists in the United States.

Due to the doubts of many people about this super compound of Aloe, we will teach today how to remove aloin from Aloe.

The aloe:

Don't know the properties of aloe vera? So come with us, and we will talk about this plant.

Aloe is one of the most used plants in cosmetics nowadays. And no wonder, since with its medicinal and relaxing properties, it serves several things, from improving the effects of comorbidities, moisturizing and relaxing the hair, or even reversing the effects of dryness on the skin.

This plant is considered one of the most versatile that can be found in nature, as it even has antipyretic properties, which are able to alleviate the effects of a fever, when manipulated in the right way in a compress. In hair, it hydrates, prevents falling, breakage and eliminates the layers present in the threads.

As well as the BeautVip Cel, aloe is able to help with cellulite reduction, leaving the skin with a smooth and renewed appearance. So the thing is flu and cold? So leave it to the aloe that she does the job! That's right, this super plant has antibiotic properties and can ease the effects of asthma, bronchitis, rhinitis and colds.

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Aloe vera can even be used to heal wounds, making it known as a super plant, and is always in the backyards of Brazilians. When cutting a leaf from the plant, to make use of the gel, it is possible to notice that besides it, there is a yellow liquid from the aloe that flows. But be careful, the aloe leaf contains toxic substances, which can bring damage and irritation to the skin.

But just like the gel present in the plant, the yellow liquid also has several properties, which should be used! And that's why today we'll teach you how to get aloina out of aloe.

Aloin from aloe is bad?

Yes, aloin has amazing medicinal properties, but few people know that its use is quite dangerous, and it is only recommended in cases of extreme constipation. The yellow liquid of aloe has the properties of a powerful laxative, but it can cause episodes of renal colic, and increase hemorrhoid pain.

Aloin can be easily found in some places, in its manipulated form, such as in pills, for example. But what is recommended is that its use in the purest form, is only in cases where the evacuation does not take place for more than 7 days. There is no formal 100% study of its properties, so its use can even do more harm than good.

Under no circumstances should pregnant women or children take the yellow liquid from aloe, as it is a powerful laxative, its effects cause severe dehydration, and can cause the intestine to remain in its most active form for approximately 6 hours. 

If you are wondering if aloina da aloina is bad for you, know that depending on your case, yes, it can be bad! Aloin from aloe is bad when consumed in an exaggerated way, or by people in a situation of intestinal sensitivity. Aloin from aloe is also bad for pregnant women and children, as stated above.

Despite being a drug obtained in a natural way, it is more than important that its consumption is in front of a medical prescription, as only a professional in the area is able to indicate a drug for your case. To get an idea of how carefully the use of this compound should be done, here are some of the side effects, and how bad the aloin from aloe is in some specific cases:

  • Excess thirst;
  • Palpitation;
  • increased intraocular pressure; 
  • Dilation of the pupil (mydriasis).
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However, unlike other compounds with laxative action, aloin from aloe is not able to immediately stimulate bowel movement, making you have to run to a bathroom right after consuming it. Experts indicate that the effects are only noticed after 6 hours of the first consumption. In some cases, the laxative effect may take up to 24 hours or more to appear. This shows that if you want immediate results and can't wait any longer, maybe aloin is not the best laxative.

But don't be scared, aloin from aloe is bad if taken in excess, or without a doctor's recommendation. Therefore, be very careful and seek a specialist as soon as possible. Once you know what the uses of these natural compounds are, we'll teach you how to get aloin out of aloe.

How to remove aloina from aloe:

Now we will teach you how to safely remove aloina from the aloe.

The process isn't as complicated as it sounds, and getting the yellow liquid out of the aloe is no frills. The process is as follows: Cut the aloe leaf, in the most common way (vertically), and after that, fill a container with water, and sink the cut area, without having to cover the entire leaf. Leave the aloe leaf for about 2 or 3 hours in water. After that, just discard the water, taking great care not to let it fall on anyone, not let anyone or any animal consume the liquid, and also so that your hands do not get dirty with it, and then touch the skin.

All these precautions are necessary, as the yellow liquid of the aloe, or aloin, can cause irritation under the skin. Some report episodes of intense itching after coming into contact with the liquid. This is the best way to remove aloin from the aloe, but you can still leave the plant leaf on a paper towel so that the liquid is completely removed. However, the water process is enough if you are in a hurry. And that's it, now you know how to remove aloina from aloe.

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Can I ingest aloe gel?

You have already learned how to use it, and how to remove aloin from the aloin, but can the gel also be ingested? The answer to that question is yes, aloe gel can also be consumed! However, you need to take several precautions, because the consumption of certain parts (such as pure aloin) can make you very bad. Let's teach you now, how to make a real aloe juice, which if prepared in the right way, can bring many benefits for your body.

Step by step:

After removing an aloe leaf, you will do the procedure of removing the aloin, exactly as we taught above. Afterwards, you will remove all the thorns, then the bark, leaving only the gel in a container. Then throw the gel in a blender, and put 1 liter of water for every 100g of gel, otherwise the mixture will be too strong and you won't be able to drink it.

To lighten the taste, you can add a little honey, lemon/or orange. Then just hit, and ingest the amount you want. However, it is not recommended that you take aloe juice as often as your bowels may become dependent on the laxative action it provides to evacuate. Other problems such as nausea may appear after excessive consumption of this drink. pregnant women, elderly and people with heart problems should not drink aloe juice.

But what are its benefits?

Aloe juice, if prepared correctly, can help with the intestinal flow, even for people who are experiencing constipation. In addition, aloe is rich in vitamins A, C, E, and other nutrients, which are essential for the proper functioning of the body. The juice of this plant is also able to hydrate the body, in addition to being a great inflammatory Natural.

Aloin is no monster, but its use is best recommended through medications made with the correct management techniques. And that's it for today, I hope you've learned how to get aloina out of aloe.