Intradermotherapy: Discover the treatment for localized fat

We love an aesthetic procedure, but when it's a surgical procedure, it's not that attractive anymore. Making changes in aesthetics is something common among people, especially women. But the search for procedures that don't need surgery are bigger commas and these are always the favourites. That's why I'm going to introduce you to Intradermotherapy. 

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What is intradermotherapy.? 

Intradermotherapy is a procedure in which actives are applied to the dermis or subcutaneous tissue. This technique can be used traditionally or through pressurized intradermotherapy. The traditional method consists of applying enzymes through an injection with a very fine and delicate needle.  

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Intradermotherapy must be performed with a professional who is specialized in the technique and who is trustworthy.

On the other hand, in pressurized intradermotherapy, a high concentration of drugs is applied to the skin directly at the treatment site, without the use of needles. This is a non-evasive treatment. In the application, a jet with a lot of pressure is used. 

The main objective of the treatment, in both ways, is to apply a high amount of enzymes on the skin or below, directly on the area to be treated, to aid in the absorption of fats. 

Who is it for? 

Pressurized and traditional intradermotherapy is indicated for people who want to reduce local fat in small areas of the body, such as the double chin and fat in the armpits. 

Benefits of intradermotherapy 

Both pressurized and traditional intradermotherapy is a faster procedure and causes minimal pain for most people. It promises to improve the definition of the body in a non-surgical way and without the need for a long period of recovery. Accessions last for a short time and you can see results right after the first time. 

This is a technique used in cellulite treatment, flaccidity, facial skin devitalization, stretch marks and localized fat, for any gender. It is the most recommended procedure for localized fat loss. 

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In addition to the variety of benefits, intradermotherapy has very few side effects, because the action of the drug is localized and there is no systemic action. It is also a perfect option to be performed in the summer, this is due to the quick effect that this treatment has. Due to the direct application in the area to be treated, it favors the loss of 3 to 10 cm of localized fat. 

Which professional is recommended to perform the procedure? 

The professional who is able to perform this type of procedure is the biomedical esthete. This specialist is trained and qualified to do this type of treatment, because the pressurized and traditional intradermotherapy is a piercing, scarifying and injectable technique that I use needles. Being a biomedical act, the treatment should only occur with the prescription of this professional. 

Duration of intradermotherapy treatment 

The procedure is very quick and results can be seen in just a few sessions.

You can usually see results after at least five sessions. The results will totally depend on which substance was used, because each one of them is selected by the professional for the specific cases of each patient. Each of the sections lasts an average of 15 minutes. 

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The procedure must be carried out once a week when the treatment is for localized fat cellulite and stretch marks. In cases of facial revitalization and skin sagging, it is indicated for up to two weekly sessions. 

Contraindications and side effects 

Although it does not usually have side effects, this treatment is not indicated in cases of allergy to the substances that were used, skin diseases in the places where the injections must be applied or chronic diseases. It is also not recommended for cardiac, pregnant and breastfeeding people. 

As already mentioned, the technique is almost painless, but the skin may turn red in the area where it was treated. Allergic reactions are rare, but they can happen, so be careful. In almost all situations, the patient can return to their area activities immediately and normally. 

There may be small bruises in the area that was treated, but they usually disappear very quickly and can be easily covered with makeup. During treatment, and especially after sessions, the patient should not be exposed to the sun or artificial sources of UV radiation. 

It is good to remember that pressurized and traditional intradermotherapy are procedures for small areas. In the case of treatments for fat located in large regions such as the legs, back, abdomen and flanks, it is necessary to look for another procedure such as cryolipolysis