Do you know how to recognize the differences between hair loss and baldness?

when you notice hair hairlines on your head or hair on pillows, clothes, brushes and bathroom floors, problems arise immediately.

Is it hair loss or baldness? Hair therapist Sheila Belotti, a hair therapist from Rio de Janeiro, said that it is normal for a person to lose 50 to 100 hairs a day.

However, you need to pay attention. He explained: “The fall is normal only when the descending line is replaced by the next line.

Therefore, the number remains balanced”. Hair loss is called telogen effluvium and it falls more dramatically than natural hair loss and loses about 300 strands a day.

Many factors, such as stress and poor diet, can cause abnormal hair loss. On the other hand, baldness depends on genetic susceptibility.

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How do you know when it's breakage and when it's hair loss?

Do you ever feel deviant after touching your hair? Or have you ever seen wires scattered around the house, pillows or even clothes? Calm down, no need to despair!

Hair loss affects a large part of the female population, but the good news is that it may not be as serious as it sounds.

Everyone loses 100 to 150 strands of hair every day, which is part of the normal function of the human body.

This warning sign is when there are too many or the hair is dry and seems to fall out, these are warning signs that you are having problems.

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The difference between thinning hair and thinning hair is very easy to recognize. Think about it: how do you find strands lying on the floor or on clothes?

When they fall completely from the bulb to the ground, that is, when a whitish spot appears at the end, they will fall.

However, if they are fragile in appearance and easy to break, then they are breaking. The causes of these two problems vary from person to person.

However, often, hair loss is related to inadequate care or inadequate chemical handling or too frequent execution – straightening, dyeing and discoloration.

At the same time, the most common causes of hair loss are related to genetic and hormonal factors. It can indicate more serious problems in women.

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Like polycystic ovary, hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism and even androgenetic alopecia, also known as female pattern baldness.

In the latter case, the scalp usually has several obvious flaws.

How to identify and treat a hair problem?

Now that you know how to identify the problems with hair, it will be easier to find the right treatment. First, measure the health of your hair using a simple test: elasticity.

Take a lock of hair and gently straighten it. Now look at the results. If it naturally returns to the same state and maintains the same thickness, there is nothing wrong.

However, if it breaks easily, has a rough texture, or forms a spring, these are obvious signs of dryness that can cause it to break.

However, it is important to remember that, in the face of excessive hair loss or breakage, you cannot rely on this test alone.