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Did you know that nails also age?

Like skin and hair, nails also age, this can look strange due to their regular growth and changes. That's why we're here to help you prevent the effects of aging nails, as well as ease the effects of aging nails.

One of the best tips we can give you is the use of BeautyVip Hair, which are capsules for strengthening the nails, skin and hair, which have been making talk lately. Unlike other multivitamins, these capsules are able to act on different parts of the body at the same time, promoting positive changes in a very short time of consumption.

Aged nails:

Over the years, a number of changes have taken place in the chemical structure of weak nails. For example, the fat content, which is already low under normal conditions. It decreases with age, which has nothing to do with diet or diseases such as hypercholesterolemia (high cholesterol), this reduction also makes aging nails more prone to dehydration.

Nails aged in this way become brittle and thinner, which often occurs in the nails of elderly people. On the other hand, due to irregular nail growth and frequent shoe trauma throughout life, toenails tend to become thicker and tend to have a clawlike appearance.

Related to this is that due to the posture that seniors must adopt, and even the hardest consistency, it is difficult to cut toenails. At yellowish nails, have an unattractive appearance, in addition to being more susceptible to breakage.

With age, the fingernails become more fragile and the toenails are hardened:

The effects of aging are inevitable, but it is still possible to slow it down.

Another very common sign of aging nails is the appearance of parallel longitudinal scratches on the nails, which may or may not break at the tip, causing the nails to catch on clothing and hair.

This condition is completely benign and corresponds to the gray hair we see in the elderly, the treatment method is beauty: sanding, polishing and polishing the enamel to improve the visual effect of the nails.

Dermatologists should also supplement vitamins and rehydrate at night, and treat them: enamel nails instead of cutting them, and avoid contact with water and chemicals without gloves and gloves. Nourishing yourself in the best way, and taking some special care, is the best way to improve the appearance of aging nails.

As for thick nails, keep them short and avoid removing the entire epidermis. It is important to remove the fungal diseases of the nails, because they are common among the elderly and more difficult to treat. Nails have grown more slowly for many years and are therefore more vulnerable to fungal attack.

To find out if it is ringworm, consult a dermatologist, who should order an appropriate test to identify the fungus. So you can start the correct and appropriate treatment for each condition.

However, there are some very effective ways to prevent ringworm in the nails. One of them is to have at least 3 or 4 pairs of shoes, so that you are always rotating shoes. Keeping them always dry and ventilated is also a great way to prevent the appearance of nail fungus.

Fungi and bacteria prefer moist places to proliferate, so whenever possible put your shoes in the sun for a few minutes, and keep your feet always dry, and sprinkled with a good antiseptic.

Attention to nails at 30 years old:

Like the skin, with the advent of 30 years, the nails become more difficult to retain water. They are made of keratin and water and require the same care as when they were 20 years old. Aged nails become weaker and more twisted over time.

At 40 avoid dryness:

Attention to aesthetics and observation of various changes in the human body continued to exist. However, several skin and body care methods are available (for nails, there is no difference).

Vaseline can prevent water loss, in addition to increased dryness, nail growth at 40 will also slow down. Therefore, more materials should be avoided to damage them, as the organization's updating is always slower. To make it look younger, and avoid the dreaded look of aging nails.

We hope you enjoyed all our content regarding aged nails. To the next!

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