Yellow nails: what are the causes and how to treat them?

Our nails, as well as our hair, are one of our postcards, and for this reason, the care with these structures must be redoubled. A very bothersome problem that affects thousands of women, which usually occurs when using dark colored nail polishes, is yellowing nails. Knowing that more and more women are looking for ways to solve it, we brought this article that talks more about the causes, and the methods to end yellowing nails. 

What are the causes of yellowing nails? 

Yellowing nails can happen for a variety of reasons, and that's why we've listed the most common. But remember to always look for a dermatologist.

Yellowing nails can happen for several reasons, and that's why we'll list the main ones here, as well as what to do to solve them in a simple way. Stay connected with us. 

1- Lack of vitamins in the body: 

So the rest of our body, like the hair for example, the nails need a balanced dose of vitamins and minerals, so they can keep growing strong and healthy. One of the best ways to always be nourishing your body is to use a multivitamin capsule such as BeautyVip Hair, which contains everything your nails, hair and skin needs.  

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Do you know what you knew that yellowing nails can happen due to a lack of antioxidants? Well then, vitamin A and vitamin C are great examples of these elements, which when they are lacking in our body, cause various ailments. Therefore, maintaining a diet rich in these nutrients is more than essential, for you to always want to be beautiful and radiant.  

2-Constant use of enamel: 

Nail polish is an essential product for those who want to show off beautiful nails, however its use can also cause the dreaded nails to turn yellow. Strong colored nail polishes, such as red and orange, are capable of leaving the surface layer of the nails with a color change. The best thing to do when this happens is to go for a period without using nail polishes, or using some of lighter colors, but only after passing a protective base coat. 

3- Aging: 

With age, our body begins to undergo several changes, and nails are not left out of this list. The white hair begins to appear, the spots on the face, and the nails begin to change their natural tone. Hydrogen peroxide is a great ally in this case, as it can lighten the nails a little, and return them to their original tone.  

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4- Nail psoriasis: 

Psoriasis is a disease with no known cure, which happens when cells that serve as a defense for our body, start attacking the nails. The result of these attacks are yellowed nails with an altered shape, even getting deformed. Despite being incurable, its damage can be minimized through the consumption of foods rich in Omega 3. Using foundations that strengthen the nail can also help reduce the appearance of yellow nails. 

5- Ringworm: 

Yes! Ringworm doesn't just happen on the skin, but the nails can also suffer from its effects. It happens due to the effects of fungi, which are transmitted in swimming pools, water puddles, toilets that are not properly sanitized, or utensils such as nail pliers, which have not been sterilized. Nail ringworm, also known as onymycosis, is capable of causing changes in the nail shape, and also the terrible yellow nails.  

The best thing to do in this case is to immediately consult a dermatologist and use antifungal products, avoiding enamels and corrosive products. Also try to always keep sidewalks, especially in places with public access. 

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 How to get rid of yellow nails with homemade products? 

Let's teach you now, how to fight yellow nails, using only simple products.

Using lemon:  

Mix the juice of 2 or 3 freshly squeezed lemons with 1 cup (tea) of warm water. Then just add 2 tablespoons of liquid soap to this mixture. Then just soak the nails in this mixture, for at least 5 minutes, washing them with soap and water right after. Another very important tip is to use a good moisturizer to finish the process. 

Using vinegar: 

Vinegar in hair is a great ally, as well as in nails. To lighten your yellowing nails, just soak your nails in a non-alcoholic white vinegar for at least 20 minutes, finishing with a good rinse in warm water and a moisturizer. 

Using pineapple juice: 

Pineapple juice, in addition to being a great alternative to cool off in the summer, can still end up with yellow nails. To do this, soak your nails in fresh, natural pineapple juice for at least 20 minutes, washing your hands immediately afterwards and moisturizing them. This treatment can also be done with the aid of cotton, so as not to waste too much juice. It should be repeated at least once a day, until the nails lighten.  

We hope this article has been of great help to you, and that you can get your nails back to their natural appearance!