Yellow nails have a reason, know which one

We will explain about the reason that lead to the formation of yellow nails, stay with us and find out more about it. The four words that make women anxious are: "I need a manicure." When you notice the yellowing of the nails, you discover that you have a serious problem, and that you need to solve it as soon as possible. Well, if this happened to you, please be calm. Today, you will find out why this happens and how to resolve it.

Yellow nails what can it be?

Yellow nails can appear due to several factors, from internal to external. Unfortunately, some may have a genetic predisposition to developing problems in these parts of the body. Others simply don't have a very healthy lifestyle, which can lead to yellowing of the nails. That's why we separated this content full of information, for you who were wondering “yellow nails what can it be?”.

Lack of vitamins:

If you think that an unbalanced diet only contributes to the appearance of diseases or those extra fat of yours, you are quite wrong. The so-called vitamin deficiency is also a great contributor to the appearance of yellow nails. That's because a lack of vitamins in the body, such as vitamin C, causes the body's antioxidant stores to deplete, resulting in yellowing of the nails and other more serious ailments.

When this happens, the ideal is to have the action of strengthening the nails, the vitamin capsules BeautyVip Hair. With its revolutionary formula specially developed with feminine beauty in mind, it is able to make the vitamins of the A, B and especially C complex, enter the organism, putting a stop to the weakening of the nails and the yellowing.

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With our busy day to day, consuming all these vitamins, as well as minerals, is not an easy task. That's why thousands of women throughout Brazil have been betting on the fortification and vitamin action of the capsules BeautyVip Hair , and has achieved outstanding results. So, don't waste your time or your patience with formulas and bet on a vitamin with proven results.

Use dark nail polish:

That's right, despite being beautiful, dark nail polishes collaborate with the emergence of yellow nails.

Contrary to the traditional belief that healthy nails are strong and hard, the fact is that they are actually very porous. Therefore, when nail polish (especially dark shades) is applied to the nails, the pigment will be absorbed. The iron oxide in these nail polishes is oxidized, causing the nails to temporarily turn yellow.

Fortunately, this is not permanent. Therefore, to avoid this problem in the future, apply a clear primer before using the highly colored enamel. Also, if you are not satisfied with the yellow stains, remove the nail polish after a week and apply paint every now and then.

Walking barefoot in public places:

For toenails, the gym is not always the best time. Of course, there are some fungi, especially when walking barefoot in the locker room. Fungi and bacteria can turn nails yellow and eventually become brittle.

Although it often seems more comfortable to walk around barefoot, this habit can collaborate a lot with the appearance of yellow nails. That's because the floor can be full of harmful organisms, which penetrate the corners of the nails, and end up settling at the bottom. Toenail ringworm is one of the problems that can arise after the feet come into contact with some type of fungus.

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Onymycosis, as it is better known, can cause yellow nails to appear, as it is able to change the texture, shape and color of the nails. You can get it by using manicures or pedicures that are not properly sterilized, walking barefoot, swimming in public pools, or using public restrooms without closed shoes.

If you think you acquired something in the locker room, it is recommended that you talk to your dermatologist, as treatment may vary depending on the source of the discoloration.

Use cigarettes:

Although the exact cause is not yet known, people with chronic lung disease or liver failure and long-term smokers often have yellow nails. Because they are exposed to tobacco smoke. Certain vitamin deficiencies, such as B-12 and zinc, can also cause nail discoloration over time.

The substances present in cigarettes not only affect your internal health, your nails can also be affected. The more than 4,700 substances cause several ailments in our body, including the yellowing of the nails. This can happen due to exposure of the hands to cigarette smoke, or even some type of disease developed by smoking.

Nail Psoriasis:

Behind this complicated and strange name, there is a disease that attacks the cells of the nails, causing them to look deformed, misshapen and yellowish. For you who were asking yourself: “Yellow nails what can it be?”, know that this disease that has no cure, can be one of the causes.

All you can do is a home or clinical treatment that can reduce the appearance of yellow nails. The responsible professional can attend and diagnose, can prescribe you the use of some special ointment, rich in vitamin D and/or clobetasol.

Hereditary diseases:

This is extremely rare and is called “yellow nail syndrome” and is nothing more than a genetic disease. It starts in middle age and is accompanied by yellowing nails on the hands and feet, leg swelling, and respiratory symptoms such as chronic dyspnoea. Whether it affects you or someone you know, treating the lung disease behind swelling is vital to your health. Your nails may or may not return to normal because this change is caused by a genetic mutation.

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How to get rid of yellow nails?


Vinegar is one of the most versatile culinary products you can find. Know that it can even end up with yellow nails. To do this, just put a few cups of white vinegar in a container and dip your nails inside. After about 20 minutes, remove your hands from the inside, and wash with warm water.


Bicarbonate is also a product that is present in anyone's home. It's perfect for removing unwanted blemishes, even nails. For this, just add a spoon of baking soda in a container with water, leaving to soak for about 5 minutes.

Hydrogen peroxide:

Hydrogen peroxide is also able to lighten your nails. All you need to do is apply a 10-volume hydrogen peroxide with the aid of a cotton wool, leaving it for a few minutes and then washing it off.

Pineapple juice:

Pineapple juice doesn't just go well on that summer day. It is also able to lessen the effects of yellow nails. All you need to do is mix the pineapple pulp with a little water, and soak your nails inside the container for at least 20 to 30 minutes. You can repeat this process every day, or just until your nails get a lighter shade.

Anyway, let's stop here, but we hope that you are no longer asking yourself: “yellow nails what can it be?”.