Why does hair fall out more in autumn? Specialist unveils

Normally, sudden changes in temperature cause damage to the health of the hair and the scalp.

The human body looking for ways to maintain a balanced temperature will cause increased sweating and stimulate oil production.

As one of the natural skin and hair tissue protection agents, this increase usually produces excessive oils and seborrhea.

what can lead to loss of hairFurthermore, experts believe that autumn and winter are the most terrible hair loss seasons of the year.

In summer, it is customary to lose around 70 strands of hair every day, on the other hand, in the cold seasons, it is customary to lose 100 or more.

That's because the scalp It has a photometric sensor, as it stimulates melanin, which helps to stimulate the speed of hair growth.

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In summer, there are many benefits due to the abundant sun and abundant rain, so this process puts you in the birth and growth stage.

In autumn, the days are much milder, sometimes even cloudy, and of course, in the current pandemic and social restrictions, we rarely end up exposing ourselves to the sun.

Therefore, all the hairs that grew under the stimulus are now in the descending phase.

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How to prevent hair loss in autumn

To avoid this problem, cleaning the leather, controlling the oil, the pH balance.

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keep the scalp clean

However, it is important to emphasize that the usually sebaceous scalp deserves attention due to the increase in oil production by the sebaceous glands.

Therefore, keeping the leather clean and healthy is the best way to protect yourself from these changes.

Use the correct products

These measures help to maintain the normal state of the hair fibers,those who have very fine lines and tend to be oily and with dandruff should not abuse the cream.

Especially do not apply the cream to the leather from about 10 cm away, even so, be careful with the overdose.

They can cause clogged pores and irritation, making dermatitis and dandruff more likely.

Beware of hot water!

However, be aware that there are certain habits that can further damage your hair, which is also a good habit.
Among them, be careful when cleaning your hair, so avoid washing it with very hot water.
High temperatures can irritate the scalp, which can lead to dryness of the hair fibers and increased oil secretion.
This can cause seborrheic dermatitis and flaking, especially in hair-prone people.
when the hot water removes natural oils that protect the scalp, can cause hair dryness.
However, on the other hand, it can promote the rebound effect, which is the body's ability to resist attacks to produce more oil in the region.
Stimulating the appearance of seborrheic dermatitis and even dandruff, that is, in both cases, hot water is harmful.
The tip is to take a hot shower, not to rub the scalp hard, but to smooth the movement without “snaking” the nails.