What is the function of the skin? Learn more about it

All people are necessarily concerned with all parts of their body, whether they are hair, face and others, aiming at appearance, but also taking care of the rest such as limbs, organs and especially the skin, our largest organ present in our body. . Because it is the largest organ, the skin needs a lot of care as it is constantly exposed to bacteria, fungi and the main one, the sun. So today we're going to show you which skin function will guarantee this protection, so pay close attention to the text. 

 The sun provides us with many nutrients, but it is necessary to know how to take advantage of it and not overdo it, as it can cause spots, burns and even skin cancer. Because of this, the skin really needs great care so that it remains healthy and looking good. If you're a little lost about which skin function will guarantee you the most protection you need and what it's all about, don't worry, we'll explain it to you as best we can. 

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What is the function of the skin? What is it for?

What is the skin for? Let's talk a little more about this.

The skin's main feature is to ensure the protection of our body. But how? Preventing the entry and penetration of fungi, bacteria, physical products, chemicals and the sun, as mentioned above. 

 All this happens thanks to the cells of the epidermis, dermis, sweat and sebum secretion, and with that, the skin ends up being a great “protective layer” for our body, but don't think that just because of that, the skin will guarantee 100% of protection, as some substances can penetrate the skin, as it is permeable.  

Some people's habits end up causing this easy absorption, for example, internal action medicines, which can reduce the protection of the skin against other dangers. Therefore, pay attention to the necessary care, especially in the elderly and children, as they have the greatest absorption capacity and thin skin. 

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Going back to the part of what the skin's function is, as there are many. Each has the role of exercising its own function, such as regulating temperature, water maintenance and so on.  

The skin, in addition to being the "protective layer" of our body, it also helps to control nutrients and proteins in contact, regulating our body temperature according to the ambient climate, adapting quickly to avoid problems such as hypothermia , excessive heat and so on. 

Other skin functions present in our body are: control of vitamin D, maintenance of electrolyte and water balance, in addition to protecting our body from trauma and also in the perception of pleasant and painful stimuli. 

The skin also ends up being quite diverse in appearance, as it has different colors, texture and folds. All this helps in identifying each being, whether from a different culture and so on. 

What are the skin layers?

Speaking of the problems that arise on the skin, they are easily noticeable and end up being very important when it comes to knowing exactly what is happening, because by a simple spot, the specialist can identify the real problem, and thus solve it as quickly as possible. . Therefore, most problems that arise on the skin end up being limited to it. The skin itself has three layers, going from the fat layer, passing through the dermis and finally and visible, the epidermis. 

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Starting with the epidermis, the thinnest layer of our body, but which ends up being the most resistant. In the epidermis, there is the existence of keratinocytes, they are responsible for the necessary replacement of new cells, having the role of migrating from the deeper layer to the surface of the epidermis. The outer part of the epidermis is primarily responsible for protecting the skin, as it prevents fungi and bacteria from entering your body. 

The dermis, the second layer after the epidermis, is characterized by giving flexibility and elasticity to our skin, all due to the presence of collagen. It is in the dermis that the nerve endings that give touch, pain, temperature and others to our body occur, not to mention the presence of blood vessels and sweat glands, responsible for our sweating. 

Taking care of your skin in the right way is the best way to keep your health up to date.

Finally, we have the fat layer, which has as its main feature to help with our body temperature, avoiding the heat and cold of our body and also in energy storage, ensuring extra protection for our body. 

After explaining the function of the skin present in our body, you will surely be more aware of the necessary care to have healthy skin, as it is very important for our health and protection. So pay close attention to what the skin's function is, as each layer guarantees and be very careful. always look for moisturize the skin, so that she doesn't suffer damage.