What is the best moisturizer for oily skin

Nowadays, attention to the face has become very present in the routine of women, who use and abuse various beauty methods to control oiliness. In this sense, today we are going to show you some home hydration options, so you can decide which is the best moisturizer for oily skin. For that reason, stay here with us, so you can get some amazing tips for your face.  

If you have uncontrolled oil skin, the cause of this problem could be a lack of necessary vitamins. Knowing this, many Brazilians resort to BeautVip, which is a vitamin complex designed to nourish your body and your skin so that it can stay firm and healthy. 

Today, we'll see how you can moisturize your face using homemade ingredients, in order to control the oiliness of your skin. For this reason, stay tuned for our moisturizers, so you can choose the best moisturizer for oily skin. 

Why is it important to keep your skin hydrated? 

You will now know the benefits of moisturizing the face, and later we will give you some amazing recipes, so learn everything about this subject here to understand what is the best moisturizer for oily skin. 

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First, hydration forms a barrier over the skin, which protects it from free radicals, pollution and heat, which slows down the premature aging of your face, keeping it firm and young for much longer. 

This film also helps in the retention of water and nutrients, which have difficulty escaping from our body, which is why skin hydration is so important, as it makes our skin resistant and beautiful, so that we can feel more beautiful. 

Another point is that hydration helps control shine and also oiliness, which makes our face produce the amount of oil needed for healthy skin, so it is essential to know the best moisturizer for oily skin. 

In addition, hydration stimulates the elasticity of the face, which is responsible for strengthening the skin, which gives the face a more beautiful, soft and strong appearance, in addition to making our skin look more alive and more beautiful, 

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How to moisturize an oily face? 

Let's see together now which is the best moisturizer for oily skin, so you can control the oil produced by your face, so follow here with us and see how you will rock. 

Hydration with papaya 

  • You will separate two scoops of papaya and a scoop of moisturizing mask. 
  1. First, add the scoops of beaten papaya and also the moisturizing mask.  
  2. Then mix these ingredients in a bowl and then apply to your face. 
  3. After that, massage your face, making very light and circular movements. 
  4. Finally, let this paste work on your skin and then remove it with the help of water. 

Hydration with avocado 

  • First, you will need two scoops of avocado and a scoop of moisturizing cream. 
  1. In a plastic container, add the whipped avocado you separated and also the hydrating mask spoon. 
  2. Afterwards, mix these two compounds well so that they can become uniform. 
  3. After that, apply this paste over your face and make light movements on the face with your fingertips. 
  4. Finally, rinse your skin with water to remove all this product from your face. 
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You will now see some amazing steps to control the oils in your face, so check it out.

clay mask 

  • To take care of your face, you will need clay, water and also a moisturizing face cream. 
  1. In a non-metallic container, place two spoons of clay and half a spoon of water. 
  2. After that, mix the compounds and apply all over your face, avoiding the eye areas, so you don't get irritated. 
  3. Afterwards, let the clay act for the time necessary to dry on your skin and then remove it with water. 
  4. Then, apply the moisturizing mask on your face, without overdoing it so that the skin can stay dry even with the cream. 
  5. Now, your face will be visibly smoother and also beautiful. 

Remembering that if you have oily skin, avoid washing it all the time, as this can have the opposite effect of what we expect, which is the appearance of rebound effect, which is stimulating the appearance of even more oil on your face. Also, remember to use a soap suitable for your face so that you don't trigger this problem.  

Now you can decide which is the best moisturizer for oily skin, and you can use our wonderful tips, so jump into our recipes and have a much healthier face.