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What is lash lifting? How to do it?

The feminine beauty is in the small details. From the hair, to the nails, eyebrows and even the eyelashes, each part of the woman's body can have a different technique, or even a specific treatment. One of the techniques that has been most disseminated in the world of female beauty is the lash lifting, which is becoming more and more known by Brazilian women. Therefore, today we will help you understand what lash lifting is, and how this technique can guarantee more charm and beauty for your lashes.  

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What is a lash lifting? 

Let's talk a little more about this technique.

Our eyelashes as well as our eyebrows, are one of the postcards of our face, and that's why they need attention. Many women say they suffer from the size or curvature of the hair, which often does not favor the face at all. For those of you who are wondering, what is lash lifting, know that it is a technique that is able to increase the natural curvature of the eyelashes, making them more prominent.  

But it doesn't stop there, as this technique also consists of applying a pigment that is capable of darkening the hair, making your face look a little more striking. Now that you know what a lash lifting is, let's talk a little more about how the procedure works.  

What is keratin lash lifting? 

This procedure consists of applying some enzymes special, an eyelash and keratin pigmentation product. This is the most time-consuming type of lash lifting, so its price may be a little saltier. The application time is 2 hours or more, but this can vary with each professional.  

What is volume and length lash lifting? 

Able to leave the lashes dark and curved, like the action of a mascara, this procedure consists of applying a serum directly to the hair roots. However, the volume and length lash lifting is only available in the lands of Queen Elizabeth.  

What is dreamlash lash lifting? 

This is a more used method, as the products used are a little simpler. Generally, a fixative gel, a moisturizer and a permanent gel are used. Although they don't seem very complex, any of the lash lifting techniques must be done by the hands of a trained professional.  

However, now that we've taught you what a lash lifting is, we have an obligation to show you how the process is actually done. The technique that we will show is the lash lifting dreamlash, which is the most used in Brazilian soil. So stay there with us. 

How to do a lash lifting? 

Despite being a procedure that must be done by experienced hands, we will show you the step by step of the lash lifting.

1st step: Sanitation  

The first thing to do is to sanitize the eyelashes with the help of a saline solution, or some other type of sanitizing product that does not cause irritation to the eyes.  

2nd step: Placing the molds 

If you have purchased a lash lifting kit, it should contain eyebrow molds, which should be chosen based on your eyebrow shape and desired result. Once chosen, you must place them in the manner indicated by the product manufacturer. There are specific glues to fix the mold in the eye region. 

3rd step: Permanent gel application 

The lashes will be arched using a fixative, above the eyebrow molds. Soon after, the permanent gel will be applied, and it will undergo an occlusion process with plastic film. To do this, just place the film paper under the eye area, and wait a few minutes to remove.  

Step 4: Remove and reapply 

After a few minutes, you will remove the permanent gel using a cotton swab. And will apply the permanent gel again, removing a few minutes later.  

5th step: Color application  

Now all you have to do is mix the pigment for eyebrows, applying it throughout its entire length with the help of a special, which must accompany the kit. Soon after, remove as indicated by the manufacturer, and use a vitamin complex for eyelashes and eyebrows. 

Unfortunately, this is a process that cannot be done on your own, and that is why it is necessary to look for a professional experienced in the beauty field. But anyway, we hope that our content about what lash lifting has been of great help to you. To the next! 

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