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What is lip pigmentation?

Below what is lip pigmentation and care.

Every day we come across bloggers taking advantage of lip pigmentation, the procedure that leaves lips with a light color, flushed, removing the need to use lipstick during the day. Lip pigment is similar to the process done on the eyebrows, where the technique is used to add volume and color to the lips.

This process leaves the contour of the mouth defined and is a quick and practically painless process. The colors are free to choose and the professional will always help you to choose a color compatible with your skin tone, to give your lips a natural look.

Of course, like any procedure, care is needed before and after lip pigmentation, but of course you can enjoy and take care of your skin as a whole, that's why I recommend it beautvip hair which will leave your skin hydrated, aiding in the formation of collagen and fighting aging, in addition to directly fighting expression lines, you will have vivid lips and restored skin.

The effect of the lip pigment lasts an average of two years, the available colors range from pink to red, leaving your lips attractive, and always pay attention to the necessary care with the health of your lips and skin.

The procedure neutralizes dark spots, gives us a more youthful appearance. The first session lasts around two hours and you need to come back after thirty days to do the retouching.

Besides that, in addition to just aesthetic benefits, you can correct asymmetry of the lips, adjust their proportion, because sometimes the lower or upper part of your mouth is disproportionate. If you have any scars in the area, it can also mask it.

Many women use this method to build self-esteem, and it's completely understandable. Choose the place you are going to do with caution, so that there is no problem in the future, as like any other procedure that involves the penetration of needles into the epidermis, it is necessary to be done with caution and a lot of responsibility.

Also, the professional has to take into account the pigmentations for allergic people, therefore, hypoallergenic pigments should be used. A device known as a demograph is used, make sure it is sterilized. 

The equipment has small needles, implanted in the dermis, which is the second layer of skin. As much as it is less invasive, pregnant women or people with illnesses should not do it so that it does not affect their immune system. 

In any procedure, every possible care is essential, from the choice of location, to the procedure and post-procedure.

Pre-procedure care:

Below we will see precautions that must be taken before lip pigmentation.

Before the lip pigmentation procedure, it is necessary that you hydrate well the lips, use and abuse the lip moisturizer and also use sunscreens that are specific for the lips. Why is that? To prevent dryness of the skin and avoid cracking, you can also use the beautvip hair to complement your skin care before lip pigmentation.

In addition, make sure there is no herpes or any lesions caused by it and even another disease, since if there is, it can lower immunity in the place where the lip pigment was applied. It is also not indicated for people with hemophilia, skin cancer, diabetes, topical allergies, smokers, dermographism and patients with pacemakers.

If you still have doubts, it is preferable that you go to a dermatologist so that they can give you a suitable period so that you can do lip pigmentation and report whether or not you should do it.

Care after the procedure:

Below care after lip pigmentation.

After you do the lip pigmentation, you will go into the healing process, do not remove the crusts that will remain, because that way everything will go well in the post.

Keep the lips region always clean, so you avoid having problems in the future and of course, do not use lipstick in the first week of the procedure.

In care before the procedure, it is suggested that you use a lot lip moisturizer and sunscreen, and here it will be no different. Because it is very important that this area remains hydrated, and even inside offices and living rooms, ultraviolet rays are still present, as they pass through the windows.

The light from the lamps also causes risks to the skin, so be very careful after doing the lip pigmentation procedure.

Try not to use acidic products in the place where the procedure was done, avoid consuming fatty foods such as chocolate, fried foods, pork. 

Sometimes it can be difficult to stay away from these things, but they can cause inflammation and make healing difficult, for everything there are sacrifices. In the week that the procedure was performed, for example, it is recommended that you do not kiss your partner (a).

By following this protocol the health of your skin and lips will always be up to date, and in two weeks or more you will notice the difference. Therefore, the result will be successfully achieved.

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