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What is hair pH? See how to take care of your hair

Get to know here now what hair pH is and also learn how to treat alkaline hair, with perfect tricks.

Nowadays, the concern with locks has grown a lot, as the vain ones have been very careful to make the hair strong. Knowing this, today we are going to teach you what hair pH is and also how important it is for our locks, through powerful tips for you to keep your hair healthy and shiny, so come with us to see this.

Remember that unhealthy hair is hair that does not have vitamins, which are essential factors for the good formation of our hair, as they promote the growth and strengthening of our hair. Thinking about it, thousands of women use the BeautyVip Hair, which is a vitamin complex developed to help us make our hair resistant and with more life.

So today, we are going to introduce you to the hair pH, so that you can understand how it is fundamental for having beautiful strands. For that reason, stay tuned to all our tricks, so you can learn to rock your locks.

What is hair pH and how important is it?

Today we are going to teach you what the above question already makes very clear, so that you can understand the reasons to take care of your capillary pH so that you can have very firm and shiny hair.

The pH is the Potential of Hydrogen, which determines if something is acidic, alkaline or neutral. In this case, as we are talking about our locks, when we ask ourselves what is hair pH, the answer is simple, the acidic pH ranges from 1 to 6.9, while the neutral pH is when your hair is at 7, while the alkaline pH ranges from 7.1 to 14.

When the hair's pH is acidic, it means your hair is healthy, as this is the proper pH level for our strands. However, when he is alkaline, it indicates that his tresses are fragile, with the open cuticles, which facilitates dehydration and also indicates a difficulty in retaining nutrients.

So, if your hair has an alkaline pH, you will need some homemade recipes to reverse this problem, which will prevent your hair from getting that rough and dull look, as well as eliminating the possibility of your hair becoming brittle, which can result in hair loss.

How to leave hair at acidic pH?

Now that you understand what hair pH is, we are going to show you some mixes so you can balance the pH of your hair, making your hair get rid of dryness and also porosity due to the high pH.

Honey hydration with apple cider vinegar

In this recipe, the cuticles of your strands will close, thanks to the power of vinegar, which will align your tresses, while the honey, in addition to moisturizing, will also promote a lot of shine to your hair.

1. In a non-metallic container, add two scoops of moisturizer for this recipe.

2. After that, add a spoon of honey and half a spoon of apple cider vinegar to the bowl.

3. After that, mix the components well and apply on the locks, without letting them touch the scalp.

4. Finally, let it act for ten minutes and then just remove it from your hair to see the result.

Do you know how to treat alkaline strands? Not? So, this is where you are going to learn this process.

Apple vinegar

In this product, you will only need the Apple vinegar and a little water, so that this mixture can seal your strands, leaving them with an incredible aspect, besides being very soft.

1. In a non-metallic container, place 65 mL of vinegar and 200 mL of water.

2. Afterwards, you must stir these ingredients so that they can be uniform.

3. After that, wash your hair with shampoo and apply the mixture through all the strands.

4. Then let it work for ten minutes on your locks and remove all the product.

5. Then, you just apply a moisturizing cream and let it act for about thirty minutes.

6. Finally, remove the cream from your hair and apply conditioner to finish this recipe.

Remember that to keep your hair strong and very healthy it is always good to use a thermal protector, which is an amazing compound to protect your hair from aggressive agents, such as hair chemicals and free radicals, which are responsible for leaving the hair behind. your strands with alkaline pH, for that reason, never forget to use this product.

And now that you know what hair pH is and also know how important it is to keep your hair healthy, you can now use our recipes to regulate your pH, so that your locks look beautiful and radiant.


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