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What is the hair life cycle? understand more about

Learn more about the hair lifecycle.

Sometimes we are faced with thoughts of how some things happen in our body. We also ended up thinking about the hair life cycle, how it grows and related questions, and these are great questions to ask, so let's talk a little about that.

To make your hair firmer, you may be using the beautvip hair which will prevent your hair from falling out and help its growth, in addition to giving more shine and softness to your hair, a great option for you who like to take care of your hair in an agile and easy way.

We know that hair plays a very important role in our lives, as it not only helps with appearance, but also contributes a lot to self-esteem. When they are falling, we are usually sad and distressed by this fact, but in some cases it is just the common fall that happens in the wires.

The hair life cycle takes an average of two to seven years and each hair is born in the specific hair bulb that is present in the hair follicles. When the cells present divide, the older cells are pushed out of the bulb and grow like a hair shaft. The hair life cycle is very interesting to know, and usually it has three specific phases. 

Next, learn about the hair's life cycle.

hair growth

This phase of the hair's life cycle is known as the anagen phase, when such dead cells are pushed out of the hair bulb. This growth phase takes approximately three to six years, considering that the hair grows at approximately one centimeter per month.

capillary transition

When the hair ends its growth phase in the hair's life cycle, it enters this phase which is known as catagen. it is when the hair falls out, that is, it is getting ready to rest and this phase of the hair's life cycle lasts an average of three weeks.

During this phase of the hair's life cycle, it stays in the hair follicle, but it stops growing, and so that follicle collapses in preparation for releasing this hair and so for it to fall out. Three percent of hairlines can be in this phase at any given time, even as you read this article.

hair loss

We reached the part that many women do not like and try to avoid as much as possible, this phase of the hair's life cycle is also known as telogen and happens when it goes through the catagen process and then the strand falls out of the hair follicle. After this process the follicle is inactive for approximately three months and so the entire process of the hair's life cycle is repeated. Six to eight percent of your hair strands may be in this phase now.

Are there other forms of hair loss?

See if there are other forms of hair loss.

As stated above, part of the hair's life cycle is falling out, on average we lose about fifty to a hundred strands. The hair goes through the phases at the same time so about a hundred hairs are growing every day and when the strands are in the telogen phase and fall out, it ends up going unnoticed.

However, if the follicle is damaged or the hair life cycle is interrupted, hair loss ends up becoming evident and when it becomes more recurrent and very intense, that is, it starts to fall out more than a hundred strands a day, it is time to stay tuned.

There are conditions that are specific and that may be causing this recurrent decline. These hair causes the strand is still in the fall phase and with great difficulty to return to the growth phase. The person can have: Neoplasms, postpartum, stress, menopause, hormonal changes and often it can also be genetic.

That's why it's very important that you are always taking care of your hair, moisturizing when necessary and taking care when performing any type of procedure on it. It is very important that care is constant. Use products that are specific to your hair type, always go to a dermatologist to recommend care that will work. You can be taking care of both your hair and skin with Beautvip Hair.

Do not think that eating irregularly is not an important factor for hair loss to occur. O stress it is the most common to be when your hair is falling out, as every day we are subjected to occasions that cause a lot of stress.

Eating well is very important, as it is in food that you can find vitamins and nutrients that are great for hair, such as beans and nuts that have vitamin B; acerola and guava which have vitamin C and lean meats and eggs which have vitamin D. In other words, eating well can ensure not only health itself, but hair health also depends on how well you are eating.

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