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What is straightening and what are the benefits for hair?

The world of beauty is so constantly updated that it is quite common to feel lost at some points. So, if you are wondering what de-crimping is and what is the proposal of this treatment for our hair, just continue in this article and we will update you on this subject.

The de-frizz is a technique that aims to remove frizz from the hair. Do you want to know more about her? So be sure to follow this article.

Despite the various techniques that have been emerging to benefit our threads, certainly the one that guarantees the most prominence due to its great efficiency is the BeautyVip Hair. After all, in addition to leaving our hair more hydrated, healthy and fortified, it also contributes to the healthy growth of our locks.

However, even if you use BeautVip Hair, nothing prevents you from updating yourself in the world of cosmetics and knowing what straightening is and what are its benefits for our hair. Want to learn more about this topic? So be sure to check this subject through to the end and remove all your doubts.

What is de-emphasis?

To know what de-emphasis is, it is interesting that we compare this technique with the so-called progressive. As the name suggests, this technique is intended to reduce hair frizz and, as a result, less rebellious strands are obtained.

Many people think that the purpose of de-crimping is to straighten the hair. However, despite this technique achieving this look, this is not exactly its main purpose. In reality, the de-emphasis seeks only decrease hair frizz.

Therefore, if you want to know what de-crimping is, understand that it is not necessarily a technique that aims to straighten the hair, even if this is a possible result to be achieved. Frizz is a thermal treatment that reduces frizz and hair volume, which can promote a long-lasting progressive smooth effect.

How does the crimping work on the wires?

Now that you know what de-crimping is, it's interesting to know how this technique works on the threads. First, understand that we are talking about a completely formaldehyde-free treatment, which will certainly leave many women unconcerned.

After all, formaldehyde can be immensely harmful to our health, so much so that it's no wonder that ANVISA banned the sale of products containing this compound. Some straightening products, in place of formaldehyde, use cysteine to ensure a smoothing result, for example.

And when we say that the crimping does not necessarily smooth the hair, it is precisely taking into account the composition of the product. If you just want to reduce the volume of your hair, just explain your desire to the hairdresser that, of course, he will choose a straightening product that does not contain a straightening compound.

Other than that, this technique is intended to seal the cuticles, give shine to the strands and give natural movement to the hair. So, if you have curly hair, but don't want to change the hair's structure, the straightening can also be used by you.

Can I do the crimping at home?

Once you know what straightening is and how it works on our hair, you may wonder about the possibility of performing this procedure at home. In theory, you can, but as long as you are familiar with this technique or the like.

Now, if you've never done anything like this, it's best to let a professional handle the products to ensure a satisfying result. And we say this because, even though the crimp does not contain formaldehyde, the wrong handling can cause certain problems.

So, to make sure you get the desired result, look for a professional you trust, as excess product on the wires, for example, can cause the rebound effect, and this is certainly not what you are looking for.

Who can use the crimping?

We are talking about a very democratic procedure, so any woman can bet on de-crimping, both those with wavy hair and women with a more curly or curly hair texture.

Any woman can use the curling, even those that have a texture with more accentuated curvatures.

In fact, some specialists claim that the most recommended technique for curly women who want to straighten their hair is exactly the straightening, given that it is much less aggressive and has a greater degree of efficiency.

Furthermore, we emphasize that this technique can also be done on dyed hair, for example, precisely because it does not harm our hair so much. But remember, always look for a qualified and qualified professional to perform this service.

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