What is electrotherapy? Understand how to use in aesthetics

Many people wonder what electrotherapy is and what it serves, and in principle it can be used both for therapeutic and aesthetic purposes and it is a very well-established resource in the areas it belongs to, I will talk a little more below about electrotherapy.

Still dealing with skin, you may be using the beauatvip hair that will leave your skin super hydrated, in addition to helping fight expression lines. Your appearance will also have considerable results, as your skin will be lighter and you will certainly stop looking in the mirror and feel bad, it is perfect for people who are rushed in their daily lives and want to always have their hair hydrated.

Reports show that electrotherapy began to be used by fish, that is, shocks were used to relieve pain through fish, and each year the technique has been improving more. To begin to understand what electrotherapy is, let's start at the very beginning, when Galvani, back in 1780, realized that the human body also contains electrical energy, thus it was possible to confirm that electrical current can supplement the body's energy or enhance it, thus obtaining treatment for some injuries and illnesses.

Electrotherapy can be based on several resources that use electrical current, such as: muscle relaxation, pain relief and nervous stimulation. In addition to those mentioned there are several others that may be included in this list, you are seeing more benefits with an expert.

What is electrotherapy: general effects

See the general effects of electrotherapy.

Now that you know a little bit about the principle of what electrotherapy is, knowing that the human body is a great conductor of electricity because of the free energy (charge) we have in our body, studies have managed to find general effects that electrotherapy can cause , among them are:

  • Increased body temperature;
  • Increased cell oxygenation;
  • There is also an increase in blood circulation;
  • The displacement of electrical charges happens;
  • In addition to biochemical and physiological reactions, promoting the release of some hormones;
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What is aesthetic electrotherapy

After knowing a little bit about what electrotherapy is, now let's talk about what electrotherapy is in aesthetics. It consists of using specific devices with low-intensity electrical stimuli to improve circulation, nutrition, metabolism and skin oxygenation. For this reason, it ends up favoring the production of elastin and collagen, and thus promotes the maintenance balance of the skin. Once you've identified the areas that need this stimulation, you can be using it.

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These areas can include the wrinkles, expression lines, dark spots, acne, scars, sagging, stretch marks, cellulite or localized fat. You may be looking for a physical therapist who specializes in functional dermatology so you can be performing this type of procedure.

Below I will be talking about two types of devices that can be used in electrotherapy. It is important to remember that there are other types of treatment that are done by electrotherapy, that is, you may be going to a specialist to inform you more about these other procedures.

Devices that are used in electrotherapy

Know two devices that can be used in electrotherapy.

Pulsed light

Now that you know what electrotherapy is and what it can be benefiting aesthetics, you will learn about two types of devices that can be used. The first one I will be mentioning is pulsed light, it is similar to a laser, it emits light beams that go directly to the melanocytes.

So it ends up making the skin lighter with a more uniform color, that is, it serves to even out the tone of your skin, removing those dark spots on your skin, always consult your doctor to find out if you have any contraindications to this treatment.

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One of the contraindications is: if you take roaccutane, use anticoagulants or steroids in the last three months, tanned skin, photosensitizing drugs, signs of infection, cancer or skin wounds, it is better not to do this procedure.

galvanic current

The galvanic current is made with two electrodes and they must be in contact with the skin, so that the substance that will be placed on your skin can penetrate deeply, remembering that the two electrodes must be in direct contact with the skin.

This procedure serves to reduce dark circles, expression lines and promotes facial revitalization, for this procedure that was mentioned on the side, it is necessary to use a pen that is specific for this procedure and so it emits a bearable and small electrical current.

This current stimulates skin regeneration, that is, it favors the formation of elastin, fibroblasts and collagen. There are also contradictions, such as in people who have cancer, epilepsy, cardiac pacemaker, change in the sensitivity of the applied site.

You now know what electrotherapy is and know at least two procedures that can be done with electrotherapy in esthetics, that is, for further questions, consult a person specialized in the area so that they can tell you more about it and make you more comfortable with the contraindications.