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What is big chop: how to make and how to take care of the wires

What is big shop: how to make and how to take care of the yarn

satisfy your curiosities with the "big cut"

There are many doubts about what is a big chop, which would be nothing more than a "big cut" where all the part of the hair that will contain some chemical procedure is removed (in cases of progressives, permanents, botox, dye...) it would be a return to natural hair where for many years women end up becoming “prisoners” of chemistry and decide to go back to their origins.

get back to your natural hair with the “big cut”

What are the advantages of making this cut?

A very important point of this technique and acquiring knowledge about what a big chop is would be its practicality, where removing all these damaged parts, the strands will be shorter, without presenting two different textures (being the natural hair and the location it has chemistry) due to capillary transition and facilitating the time to perform care.

Self knowledge:

Another factor that must be taken into account is self-knowledge, for example that for many years several people acquired the practice of smoothing, who end up forgetting how their hair was once and the big chop allows you to get to know your hair again.

Can I get more stylish by making this cut?

The style can also be considered, and with shorter locks you can abuse more flashy accessories such as bigger earrings, more visible necklaces, not to mention that darker makeup, or a redder lipstick since after the technique, your face is obviously will become more visible.

Bet on your self-confidence:

Self-confidence becomes essential when you decide to make the hair more natural where you can see that you are beautiful the way you are and that you don't need to change anything, feeling good about yourself is one of the benefits of the big chop.

When should I do it and what post-cut care should I have?

The right time to do this technique is when you feel safe and confident and see that you need to change. As for care, it is recommended to normally enjoy a hair schedule (hydration, reconstruction and nutrition) in addition to products that will not damage the hair.

Where should I do it?

Some people choose to cut at home, but it is recommended that it be done by a professional, such as a hairdresser in whom they feel safe or who already know the specificity of the threads, and during this transition it is not recommended to use high temperature objects such as flat irons, curling irons and even dryer being the main causes of dryness and capillary opacity.

See the video that BeautVip has separated for Beauty lovers;

Some frequent questions among women:

Can my hair grow faster after the “big cut” technique?

Not really, this technique does not promote hair growth and its benefit is strengthening. Another question would be the changes that your hair undergoes after BC, since the use of chemicals provides a weakening capillary and after the "great cut" offers strength and vitality.

When it comes to falls due to a procedure that has been done, we recommend BeautVip, a vitamin and mineral supplement that works by preventing hair loss, aiding in healthier growth, returning shine and volume, it also works to strengthen nails up to 87% and more hydrated and lightened skin.

Now that you know what big chop is, get the practice and return to the natural beauty of the locks. Click here to know more.

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