What is the best hydration for curly hair

Over time, curly hair has gained a lot of space in Brazilian society. Women have been looking for various ways to take care of their hair, with the help of homemade products. With that in mind, today we are going to show you the best hydration for curly hair, so that you can, in the comfort of your home, leave your locks more beautiful, hydrated and also soft.

One of the reasons that aggravate the natural dryness of frizzy hair is the lack of vitamins in the diet, which makes it difficult for the body to keep the strands healthy and shiny. That's why thousands of women use the BeautyVip Hair, in order to return nutrients to the curls, strengthening your hair, so that it looks prettier.

Today we are going to teach you how to hydrate your locks, showing you the best hydration for curly hair and the characteristics of curly hair, so that you can learn to identify, so come with us to learn.

Do you know your hair type? In case you didn't know, you will now learn the details of each category, so come see it here.

What are the characteristics of the curls?

First, before guiding you on the best hydration for curly hair, let's talk about this type of hair, so that you can understand the differences and learn what care your hair needs.

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Curls are divided into some categories, according to the curvature format of the hair, so let's introduce you now to how curly hair is defined, with its types 3 and 4, and the subcategories A, B and C of the highlights. Remembering that the same hair can have different types of hair along the head.

Type 3 of streaks

This hair model has well-defined curls and a lot of volume, with a tendency to frizz. Although the scalp provides oils to seal and protect your strands, as these hairs have the shape of springs, the natural oil is not able to reach the ends, as it is more difficult to slide than in straight hair, which facilitates the loss of moisture, leaving the hair dry.

What is a 3A hair?

that's the kind of curly hair with the smallest volume, its root is the smoothest and its curls are defined and also open, with heavy and fine hairs at the same time.

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What is a 3B hair?

In this type of locks, the strands are more defined, with tighter curls and are more voluminous than the previous hair, its roots are wavy, and its ends are dry.

What is a 3C hair?

This hair model has the tightest spirals and its thickness is thicker, approaching frizzy hair, with closed and dense curls.

Type 4 of streaks

Curly hair type 4 is curly, which has much more volume than type 3, as well as being drier. These strands are fragile, which requires greater care and also delicacy when combing so as not to break your locks. Curly hair is naturally the most dry, as its spirals are extremely fine, being the strands that most need nutrition, to have a natural protection.

What is a 4A hair?

They are very fine hair and with very narrow curls, the curls start from the root. This type of lock gains volume quite easily. The 4A is similar to the 3C, with the difference that it is thicker than the 3C.

What is a 4B hair?

The 4B hair is the one that has a ā€œZā€ shape with little definition, they are easy to give volume, but they are fragile, being necessary to comb very carefully.

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What is a 4C hair?

These strands are also shaped in ā€œZā€ and very shrunk, this is the most frizzy hair type there is and that's why it is also the driest, since the oil doesn't reach the ends. It's a very voluminous hair and its curls they have almost no definition.

Let's see together what is the best hydration for curly hair, so check it out right here in the palm of your hand.

Do you know the best hydration for curly hair?

You will now see two precious homemade recipes, so that you can learn the best hydration for curly hair that will suit your curls, so stay tuned below:

Aloe Hydration

This recipe is for all curly hair, since aloe has a powerful moisturizing action, which leaves hair silky and strengthens it, reducing its breakage.

1. In a container, add two tablespoons of aloe and two tablespoons of cream.

2. Stir until it becomes a uniform paste and apply to hair.

3. Leave it for thirty minutes and just remove the product.

Coconut Oil Hydration

This recipe is great for removing the dryness of curly hair, giving it back its oiliness and also its shine.

1. First, add two tablespoons of cream and two tablespoons of coconut oil.

2. Then mix everything and pass the product on the locks.

3. Now, just let it take effect for thirty minutes on the wires.

You now know what is the best hydration for curly hair and also know how to identify your hair type, to understand what it needs and you just have to throw yourself.