Types of blemishes on the face: Know the various types of skin blemishes

Many people are born with blemishes on their face naturally, like freckles, for example. But not just the freckles that appear on our faces. There are several types of blemishes on the face, whether natural or harmful to our health, causing terrible blemishes and bruises. Because of this, we will let you know all types of blemishes on the face, colors, how to prevent and treat them and even how to lighten them. Stay for everything in this text, so don't miss any details. 

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Freckles are the only blemishes people don't mind having. This, nowadays, because a few years ago they were also unwanted.

Aside from freckles, the other types of blemishes on the face are so undesirable that many people end up not finding the best possible solution, don't worry, we'll give you valuable tips on how to fight them. The spots can have several types of color, ranging from the darkest to the lightest tone, without the need for gravity, even changing color over time. 

Because of this huge variety of types, sizes and colors, the stains have received many names, but of course, depending on their characteristics. Some of these names are ephelides, melasma and rosacea. There is a specific and proper treatment for each name, because of its characteristics of color, size and so on. 

Starting with the explanation of what exactly are blemishes, they are nothing more or less pigmentations present in our skin, such as marks or blemishes. They are not one-size-fits-all and colorless, and can vary from a small wound to a large wound and from a lighter shade to a darker shade.  

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The main responsible for the appearance of brown spots, for example, is melanin, this is due to the fact of its high production due to sun exposure, it also occurs due to hormonal changes or some type of inflammation. 

There are many types of facial blemishes that exist today, as mentioned above. We will now show you all the types and how each one is characterized and works. 

Types of stains: 

There are several types of blemishes on the face and most of them are very undesirable.

Among the list we have freckles, known as ephelides, they appear more in the young period, usually in children and young people, causing after excessive exposure to the sun. Spots are also quite common melanosis, with a dark coloration, also being caused by exposure to the sun, but frequently.  

Acne spots appear after the inflammatory process of acne, its color varies from red to brown, depending on the weather and exposure to the sun. The list of types of blemishes on the face is extensive, consisting of the melasmas, dermatitis, madderma, rosacea, skin cancer and so on. 

A very common type of spot that almost everyone has are spots caused by the sun, its appearance is very normal to happen, because anyone is subject to exposure to the sun, especially in people with fair skin. Younger people are not totally free from these unwanted spots, but the percentage of appearance is lower compared to older people, more specifically 40 years and over.  

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This only shows that the use of sunscreen should be done early, so that it doesn't cause stains and that the unwanted doesn't happen to you. Sunscreen is a great ally in the fight against future sun spots, so don't just use it when you go to the sea, swimming pool and so on. 

Because of these events, there are several precautions you can take to prevent the appearance of stains, therefore, adopt them.  

Pay close attention to these steps as they will be crucial in the recovery of your skin facial  and it works for all kinds of blemishes on the face, especially the dark ones. 

First, it is important that you do this in the morning, starting with a complete cleansing of your face with the aid of a soap for the face, then use some cream with vitamin C, which have antioxidant and whitening actives, and finally pass a little sunscreen, ensuring the protection of your face. 

 At night, repeat the washing procedure and apply the cream again. By doing this every day, you'll ensure incredible health for your face, along with our tips that we've given you earlier. So pay attention to the details and explanations of our text.