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Straight hair treatment: learn how to do it

As most people think that frizzy and curly hair has a difficult care routine, it turns out that straight hair doesn't need care, right? Wrong answer, all hair types need their own hair routine, because like it or not, we are talking about the hair itself, be it curly or straight. Therefore, this demystification is very important for people to understand that the treatment for straight hair is essential to ensure the health of your hair, so we will show you what it is about.

But before you know how to treat homemade straight hair, first we need to show you and recommend the BeautyVip Hair, essential product for you who want to treat your hair. BeautVip Hair will be a great ally in combating breakage and falling of your hair. Because of this, BeautVip Hair is your best ally in the search for those so dreamed of well-cared for, treated and jaw-dropping look, as it guarantees you several benefits, whether in treatment, hydration, appearance or even in the growth of your hair.

BeautVip Hair will definitely help you if you want to get those big hairs back, as it helps in the growth of your hair, not to mention that it makes your hair very resistant, thus leaving an unusual strengthening against aggression. everyday. Other very important benefits are also the shine and volume that it ends up giving you, bringing that incredible look, and last but not least, it ensures that your hair does not fall out, leaving them totally intact and very firm.

What is straight hair treatment

The treatment for straight hair is as essential as the treatment for other hair types, this must be understood, as there are many people who think that straight hair does not need treatment, but it does, just like any other type of hair, because of that, today we are going to show you homemade straight hair treatment, in order to help people who do not have time to go somewhere specialized.

Everyone already knows that strands without curvature have problems with oiliness, being exaggeratedly present in the life of straight strands, but be aware that dryness is also present in straight strands, so always keep an eye on the state of your hair , so that everything goes smoothly without any headaches.

Learn more about straight hair treatment

Home straight hair treatment can cause an uncomfortable problem for straight hair, which in this case is the rebound effect, but what is the rebound effect? The rebound effect happens when you try to solve a problem in your head, but it ends up coming back to you due to the lack of it, a good example is oiliness, when you try to resolve the excess oiliness, your body understands that there is a lack of even, producing more, that's why the treatment for straight hair is very important.

Dryness is a big symptom of this rebound effect, that's why the treatment for straight hair should be taken very seriously, as moisturizing them will surely solve the problem of dryness. Also remember that the period of three days between each wash is very important, aiming to control oiliness, as it is also important for the threads if it is in a controlled way.

With that, we will show you two types of hydration that will surely help you in the care process, as they are very simple to be done, so don't worry.

Learn recipes for moisturizing straight hair.

If you have damaged hair, be aware that moisturizing with banana is a great treatment option for straight hair, as it acts on hair that has just been passed through chemical processes, rebuilding it.

Banana Hydration

To make it, separate the following ingredients: 100ml of milk, 1 ripe banana and a few drops of your preferred vegetable oil.

After that, blend them in a blender and apply to your damp hair, with that, let it act for about 20 minutes, then wash it normally and finish with conditioner and with the finish of your choice.

Hydration with avocado

Another important treatment for straight hair is moisturizing with avocado, honey and egg, which are essential in the search for nutrition and hydration for your hair. For you to be able to do it, separate 1 egg white, 1 tablespoon of honey, half of 1 avocado and 2 tablespoons of the moisturizing mask of your choice.

Mix all the ingredients with the mashed avocado and apply it to your hair. Leave on for 30 minutes or so and finish by washing and finishing the way you always do.

These two straight hair treatment recommendations House made, will certainly help you in the search for that hair so treated and clean and even in the return of the ones you already had.

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