Treatment for folliculitis: find out what it is and what are the best ways to treat it

Folliculitis is a very common problem in both men and women. This problem is very similar to acne and can bring great discomfort to those who have it. Even though it is very common, some people still have doubts about the subject and look for home care and ways to prevent it. The treatment for folliculitis consists of changes in habits and sometimes changes in diet and it is also possible to enhance skin treatments, and for this the BeautVip it's the perfect choice because your skin deserves the best.

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Which is?

Folliculitis is a common skin disease that affects hair follicles (the structures in the skin where hair is born and grows). It is an inflammation at the root of the hair that causes the appearance of small red balls that bring with them itching and pain. It may be related to sweating, skin occlusion or irritation from bacteria.

What are the causes?

It can be caused by fungi, viruses, skin irritation, shaving, occlusion and others. But it is usually caused by bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus (staphylococci) or Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

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And if you thought folliculitis was just one, I'm sorry to inform you, but it can be classified as superficial (in this case, treatment for folliculitis is usually not necessary) or profound depending on the severity of the situation. Also within these two classifications there are other types of folliculitis that we will look at now.

Types of superficial folliculitis:

  • Staphylococcal folliculitis: This is the most common type. Usually caused after shaving, waxing, occlusion, or some other factors.
  • Pseudomonas folliculitis: caused by the pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria, usually appear after hydromassage baths or swimming pools with unregulated chlorine and pH levels.
  • Pytyrosporic folliculitis or Malassezia: Pytyrosporic folliculitis is caused by different species of maressezia. They arise in circumstances of hyperhidrosis, increased sebum, or after treatments with antibiotics or corticoids.

Types of deep folliculitis:

  • Gram-negative folliculitis: usually appears after prolonged use of antibiotics for acne or rosacea. These treatments alter the normal balance of the skin, facilitating gram-negative infections.
  • Beard sycosis: This is a deep and chronic infection of the hair follicles in the beard area. They often start to appear on the upper lip.
  • Boils and carbuncles: occur when the deep portion of the hair follicles is infected by bacteria giving rise to red, painful lesions with rapidly growing pus.
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Symptoms of folliculitis:

Folliculitis may last for a few days in case of acute folliculitis, or persist for a long time in case of chronic folliculitis. When they appear, you can see inflammatory papules (red pellets) and pustules (puffy pellets), usually centered in a hair. May be accompanied by pain, itching and burning.

Treatment for folliculitis:

The best measure to take is to consult a dermatologist, who will be able to assess the severity and indicate a suitable folliculitis treatment for your problem. But there are alternative ways to help when the case of folliculitis is mild. The following measures will help to control the problem and improve the discomfort. Are they:

  • Use mild skin cleansers
  • Make compresses with warm water and place on the affected area (dry the area afterwards)
  • Avoid very hot baths
  • Avoid clothes that are too tight
  • Keep your skin hydrated at all times
  • Areas with folliculitis should not be shaved or shaved
  • Do not squeeze the balls (this can lead to bigger problems)
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Habits to prevent folliculitis:

Here are the best ways to prevent folliculitis

Of course, there is no better treatment for folliculitis than avoiding it. Small day-to-day changes can help you avoid this annoyance that terrifies most people. With that, we separate a list with measures to avoid inconvenience.

  • Keep your skin clean and dry
  • Use sunscreen
  • Use mild cleaning products
  • After physical exercise or contact with chemical agents, take a shower quickly
  • Avoid tight clothes such as jeans, especially on hot days
  • Wash the shaver with boiling water
  • Do not use rusty shavers
  • Avoid skin lesions
  • If possible, try laser hair removal
  • keep your skin hydrated
  • Search for foods that assist in beauty of your skin

Can folliculitis be contagious?

Amazingly, folliculitis can indeed be contagious, being transmitted from person to person. Therefore, affected individuals should not share towels, clothes or swimming pools, thus avoiding transmission to other people.

Please note:

The use of homemade methods will not replace consulting a dermatologist. In more severe cases, see a doctor for better evaluations.