Trate e combate de vez a micose de unha

Someone who has never had ringworm of nail in life is something very rare to happen, as it takes thousands of victims daily.

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Micose de unha

These white, yellow, or even black patches may look harmless, but you must be careful.

After all, they expose our bodies to other microorganisms that can take advantage of the “unprotected” environment and cause other illnesses.

The appearance of nails is an important sign of ringworm.

However, only the laboratory tests can confirm the diagnosis and indicate the appropriate treatment.

For the fungus that causes ringworm, there are two basic laboratory tests, direct mycological examination and fungus culture.

In a direct mycological examination, you can use a microscope to see if there is really fungus on the nail.

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However, in mold culture, mold growth is promoted to identify specific types of mold.

These tests can help guide treatment to specific treatment for each type of problem encountered.

This is because, although very common, ringworm in the nails is difficult to treat successfully.

Usually, the right treatment can cure about 50% to 60% of patients.

He pointed out that if the right medicine is not used in the treatment, the chance of a cure will decrease even more.

It is important to remember that the medicine used to treat the disease, in addition to being expensive, is usually hepatotoxic, that is, it affects the liver, so it is important not to self-medicate.

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It can be treated with oral and topical medications on the spot.

According to specialists, creams, ointments and lotions are useless for the treatment of nails because they do not reach the fungus well.

Inclusive tratamentos alternativas, como usar “Pinho Sol”, gasolina ou Creoleina.

This is nothing more than attacking the nails, increasing the chance of penetration and installation of the fungus.


When there is ringworm, the nails can be whitish, yellow, black, thick, brittle, crooked or scaly.

In the hands, ringworm is usually related to the treatment of water, soap and detergents, which can crack the nails and allow the invasion of fungus.

In feet, the main risk factor is contact with the contaminated environment (shoes, floor, soil).

On average, fungi can survive in the environment for up to a year.

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Nail infections cannot be passed from one person to another.

They are common fungi and can be found in a good environment.

Ringworms caused by dermatophytes can indirectly infect other people.

These fungi survive in tooth enamel, nail files, towels and shoes.

When you wash clothes, you will get soft, fragrant, but live fungi.

If you use a washing machine, the fungus will stay there and can be passed on to other family members.

All you have to do is clean your towel.

Only the high temperature of the iron can kill the fungus.

Another tip to avoid spreading is not to wear the same pair of shoes every day, leave the shoes in the sun from time to time.

The drier, the less fungus grows inside.