Thin tips: What to do and how to treat?

If you have thin ends, and this is a feature that bothers you, you should certainly be looking for some solutions to treat your hair. Although it's uncomfortable, treating your ends is much simpler than you might think, and that's exactly what we'll talk about in this article. Check out.

thin ends
Do you have thin ends of your hair, and don't know what to do to treat it? So check out our tips today!

One of the best options to ensure full-bodied, voluminous and hydrated hair is to make use of vitamin capsules BeautyVip Hair since, due to their composition, they guarantee more nourished strands. But did you know that there are some homemade recipes for treating thin ends? That's what we'll talk about in this article.

The cosmetic industry has increasingly adapted to the needs of its customers. And knowing that the thin ends have bothered some women, it is currently possible to find specific products for this problem. And, apart from that, other homemade recipes can help for this purpose.

Do homemade recipes for thin ends work?

Before knowing how to treat thin ends, it is important to know how to recognize their characteristics. After all, many women claim that homemade recipes don't work, but that's not exactly what happens.

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Unfortunately some women confuse thin ends with split ends and, therefore, they end up applying the wrong mixture to the wires. From then on, as you don't apply the correct ingredients, you don't see any improvement.

But that doesn't necessarily mean that homemade recipes for thin ends don't work, quite the opposite. What actually happens is that, as you look for the wrong treatment, you won't get the desired results.

What are thin ends?

To look for the correct treatment of thin ends, it is extremely important to know how to recognize the characteristics. If you feel that your strands are thick and bulky at the top, but that the thickness decreases with the length, it is a sign that you have thin ends.

Generally, women who suffer from this have bulky hair on top and thinner at the ends. This is because the ends are often more brittle, in which case it is important to pay special attention to them.

Why do the thin ends appear?

The main reason thin ends appear is because the hairs at the ends are weak and brittle, making them thinner and thinner. And the loss of hair usually have plenty of reasons.

From a diet deficient in some nutrients to some more serious problems. Therefore, when making a homemade recipe for split ends, if you do not notice changes, it is possible that the reason is more serious and needs a little more serious treatment.

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Homemade recipes for thin ends

Due to the nutritional power of some ingredients, it is possible to treat the thin ends with some homemade recipes. In the next topics, we'll introduce some of the options.

Papaya and coconut oil mask

The tips are the ones that receive the least natural oil produced by the scalp. Therefore, vegetable oils are extremely welcome to treat thin ends. And for this recipe you will need to give:

  • 1 tablespoon of coconut oil;
  • 1/2 cup of plain yogurt;
  • 1 slice of papaya.

Once the ingredients are gathered, you should start by mashing the papaya slice and adding the measures of yogurt and coconut oil. If you prefer, you can blend this mixture in a blender for a creamier result.

To apply, you must first moisten the ends. Once this is done, just apply the mixture and let it act for 1 hour. This mask can also be applied to the capillary extension.

Banana and almond oil mask

Again a recipe based on some vegetable oil, as that is exactly what your hair needs. For this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 tablespoon of almond oil;
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1 egg yolk.
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The preparation mode is simple; just blend all ingredients in a blender until creamy point. To apply, it is also necessary to moisten the ends and then apply the mixture. Leave acting for half an hour and wash the hair in cold water.

Banana and almond oil mask for thin ends
For this recipe for thin ends to work, it's important that you use a ripe banana.

This mask can also be applied to hair extension, but if you do, it is better to pay special attention to the ends, as they need more. For best results it is recommended to do this two or three times a week.

Butter and lemon mask

Unlike the others, this recipe does not use vegetable oil. However, due to the properties of butter and lemon, it is not necessary. For this recipe, you will need to give:

  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;
  • 1 tablespoon of butter;
  • 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.

First, you must heat the butter until melted. Then just mix it with the vinegar and lemon juice. The application of the mask must be done before it becomes solid. Just apply to the ends and leave for 20 minutes.

Unlike other recipes, this one must be specifically applied to the tips. Not in capillary extension. While the product acts, avoid being exposed to the sun or high temperatures so that it does not stain.

After the period of 20 minutes, wash the strands in cold or lukewarm water and use some shampoo to ensure that no residue remains. You can use this recipe daily, but always taking the necessary precautions.