Black tea on hair: see what the benefits are and how to use it

The use of natural hair care products is being increasingly disseminated in the beauty world. All of this is due to the fact that these products guarantee several benefits to our tresses, but without causing excessive damage to the hair fiber, unlike some industrialized products. Therefore, today we will talk about the use of black tea on hair, which has helped thousands of women to regain the beauty lost by the hair over time.  

Benefits of black tea on hair: 

Let's show you what black tea can do for your hair.

The use of infusions in the hair, such as chamomile tea it is an almost millenary practice, which spanned the centuries, and continues to be used to this day. This is due to the growing movement of women who wish to avoid the use of hair care products of industrial origin, which often contain harmful elements for the hair, which bring more harm than good.  

The use of black tea on the hair, combined with the use of a hair vitamin, such as BeautyVip Hair for example, it is a must, as together they are able to accelerate hair growth, and also stimulate the natural shine of the strands, without having to damage the hair fiber to do so. But it is good that we talk about all the benefits that the use of black tea on hair can provide. 

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Helps in hair growth: 

As we said above, black tea in hair is able to accelerate the rate of hair growth, as it contains caffeine, which is a great stimulator. THE caffeine acts directly on the hair bulb, causing the blood circulation in the region to be accelerated, promoting rapid growth and capillary fortification. The use of this infusion is ideal for you who are looking to start a Rapunzel project. 

Gives shine to dark hair: 

If you are the owner of beautiful dark hair, know that black tea is capable of darkening even more the strands, especially those that are whitened by the action of time. Passing a good cup of this infusion under your hair before showering is a great way to make a shower with natural shine, although its durability will be much less than with the use of a colorant. 

Fights hair loss: 

Have you ever heard of Dihydrotestosterone? Not? Well, it's better known as DHT, and it's one of the hormones that cause hair loss. It is an androgen hormone, that is, it is present in both the male and female organism. However, it is in men's bodies that it is present in the greatest amounts. Just a slight change and DHT can cause hair loss, becoming a major headache.  

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But did you know that black tea in hair, more precisely the caffeine present in its composition, is capable of blocking the actions of this hormone? That's right, this incredible infusion is more than perfect for fighting hair loss. 

Fights the aging of the threads: 

In addition to stimulating hair growth, giving shine and fighting hair loss, black tea on hair is also capable of delaying the effects of aging, as in addition to caffeine, it is rich in antioxidants, which act directly on the hormones responsible for the aging of hair. strands of hair. 

How to use black tea on hair? 

We are going to teach you two ways to use black tea on your hair.

Conventional way: 

All you need to do is boil 3 black tea bags in 1 or 2 cups of water. Afterwards, just reserve this tea in a container, and wait until it is warm or at room temperature. Afterwards, apply the black tea to your hair with the help of a brush (preferably one suitable for hair dye). Let the black tea act under the hairs for at least 1 hour, then rinse normally, finishing in the way you prefer. This is the most common way to use black tea on your hair. 

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Black tea and coffee: 

And let's go to our second way of using black tea in your hair. This is the best way to use this herb to speed up hair growth. All you will need to do is boil 5 teaspoons with 2 cups of instant coffee, then apply this mixture to your hair, waiting about 20 minutes to remove with water.  

If you prefer, you can add a few drops of lemon to this mixture to avoid problems such as dandruff or infections. But remember that the higher the quality of black tea used, the better the results. So if you want to replace the black tea bag, with its pure leaf version, feel free. Both ways of using black tea on your hair can be adapted according to your needs.  

Anyway, we hope that all our content about black tea in hair, may have helped you in some way. But remember that the best way to fight hair loss is with a formula with proven efficacy, such as capsules. BeautyVip Hair