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Tangled hair: see what you can do to prevent this from happening

Find out what causes hair to be tangled and how to prevent it from happening.

If there's one thing that can take the patience of even the calmest women, it's the hair to tangle well when you're in a hurry. You jump out of your cool because it's going to be a busy day, but your hair just doesn't cooperate with you, it's completely tangled up. Well, know that we can help you solve the problem of matted hair, and how to avoid it.

There are several factors that can lead to tangled hair, however one of the main ones is the lack of hydration in the strands.

Know that every time you can brush or comb too hard to untangle your hair, you may be promoting several breakages. The ideal solution for your hair not to break easily is the strengthening action of the capsule of the BeautyVip Hair, which combats the problem of hair loss from the hairline.

Why does my hair tangle so much?

You know that day when you run your brush or comb under your hair, and it's covered in knots that just won't let you comb your hair right? Well, this could be an indication that the health of your hair is in need of a little attention. But about this do not despair, as there are other factors that arise the tangled hair.

Women with curly hair are already a little more familiar with the tangling of hair, however those with straight and curly hair are not left out. To help you understand your problem, we will list here the main reasons for your hair to tangle, and also how to solve this annoying problem.

Going long without combing your hair

The act of combing the hair is one of the most beneficial for the strands, as daily some strands end up coming loose from the scalp, and end up catching on to others and forming knots. When you comb your hair, the strands that are loose end up getting caught in the brush, leaving the hair that is attached to the scalp free and without the appearance of knots.

Combing your hair is an act that seems simple, but it needs some very special care. The best example of them is never to comb the hair from the root, as this is a full plate for the ghost of frizz. When combing your locks, start from the ends and go to the end of the hair, also applying a good styling cream if it is wet. Curly hair should comb the hair while in the shower, so that the curls are not damaged.

Hair with high porosity

Excess chemicals in the hair can drastically increase hair porosity, which directly impacts the hair's water absorption. So if you are one of those who like to mend a dye on top of another, even some other chemical procedure, know that first the hair must be properly nourished and hydrated. The lack of moisture in the strands can cause tangled hair.

For this, invest in a natural hydration, such as hydration with banana for example, or even a olive oil wetting. Our hair works like the rest of our body, if their health is not up to date, they will not withstand any type of procedure. So stop “torturing” your hair, and do a regimented care routine.

Sleeping with loose hair

This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make on a daily basis, and it ends up leading to tangled hair disorder.

There's a problem that most hair experts always point out to women. Sleeping with loose strands is a mistake that causes tangled hair, causing you to get frustrated every morning when combing your locks. The friction between the pillow and the hair, in addition to causing tangled hair, also causes the emergence of frizz and other problems.

So before going to sleep, try to securely secure your strands with a hair elastic or similar accessory. If you prefer, just put your hair in a bun, which in addition to allowing you to sleep more comfortably, will also prevent the appearance of tangled hair and frizz.

Rub the ends of the hair with shampoo:

Another act that can cause tangled hair and frizz is putting shampoo on your hands and rubbing the hair extension until it reaches the ends. The correct way to wash your hair is to apply the shampoo on top of the head, lightly rub the scalp, and let the solution run through the rest of the hair. No need to tangle your hair, just rub it lightly as we explained.

With our tips I'm sure you'll get a kick out of tangled hair.

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