Strengthen hair and grow it: Discover 8 tips to do it healthily

Many women don't know, but hair grows at a standard rate of 1cm per month. However, with some very simple practices, it can accelerate its growth a little, in addition to being stronger and more protected against external and internal factors. To help you achieve your dreamed of hair, we will list some practices to strengthen hair and grow it.  

How to strengthen hair and grow it in the right way? 

In our daily routine, we often leave tasks such as hydrating the locks, or even hair nutrition aside. However, these practices are more than essential for good hair growth. But don't worry, we're here to help you keep your hair even healthier.  

1- Don't forget to hydrate your hair! 

Keeping your hair hydrated is not always an easy task, however there are several homemade recipes that can help you with this.

As stated above, hydration is an essential process for the hair to remain firm and healthy. I know that sometimes laziness hits (there are days that are in the middle of our face), but always remember to separate at least 2 days of your month, to make a hydration. If your hair is very dry, the number of hydrations can reach up to 4 days a month.  

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2-Take a hair fortification vitamin! 

Another thing that is sometimes left out in our daily routine is the correct consumption of essential vitamins and minerals for hair growth. When the consumption of vitamins is outdated, Brazilian divas always resort to BeautyVip Hair, which has in a single capsule, all the necessary assets for the locks to be always strong and healthy.  

Vitamins of the A, B, C, D and E complex, as well as zinc, iron and many other vitamins, are more than mandatory for those who want to flaunt beautiful hair. Therefore, consuming the right and balanced amount of natural actives is the best way to strengthen hair and grow it in a healthy way.  

3- Fasten your hair whenever possible! 

It may seem a little silly, but yes, a simple act like pinning your hair can be a great way to strengthen hair and grow it, as it is able to exert a certain amount of pressure on the strands, which is beneficial for its growth. . But don't overdo it, as holding the hair too tightly will do the reverse process, leaving the weak and brittle hair 

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4-Massage the scalp with vegetable oils! 

The use of vegetable oil, such as castor oil, copaiba oil, coconut oil and others, is much more than indicated by most professionals in the hair area. Likewise, massage is also a great indication for those who want to make their hair grow strong and healthy. Therefore, joining these two practices, and betting on a hair massage with vegetable oil, is more than a great idea.  

5- Be very careful with the sun! 

There's nothing better than taking that little sun in the morning, right? Well, this practice is very good for the body (and for the soul as well), however when done in an unregulated manner and at inappropriate times, it can, in addition to being bad for your skin, cause damage to your hair.  

The best time to sunbathe is from 8:00 to 10:00, although many people encourage others to be exposed to the sun's rays between 10:00 and 12:00. After this time, exposure to the sun is more than contraindicated, as the risk of burns and damage to the hair is much greater. If you need to leave the house, wear a hat or something that protects you from the sun's rays.  

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6-Stop smoking! 

I bet the smokers on duty just had a nice roll of the eye, however, this indication is very important, not only as an indication of how to strengthen hair and grow, but also how to have a better quality of life. The thousands of toxins present in cigarettes cause damage not only to your body, but also to your hair. So stop smoking immediately if you want your hair to grow faster and healthier.  

7- Avoid excessive heat or heat in the wires! 

However practical tools such as the dryer can be, their excessive use can result in damage to the hair fiber.

And let's go to one of the best tips on how to strengthen hair and grow it, which is sometimes left out by the hurried. Yes, I know that the hair dryer is often an essential tool in our daily lives. However, its excessive use, as well as a flat iron or curling iron, can damage the hair and slow down its growth. But if you still need to use any of them, apply a heat shield before that.  

8- Stop the chemicals! 

Chemical procedures, such as progressive, relaxation, bleaching and others, little by little, end up with the vitality of the hair. Therefore, this tip on how to strengthen hair and grow it is more than important. You don't have to wait for your hair to start taking damage to stop applying too much chemicals.  

Hope you have now learned how to strengthen hair and grow it healthy.