Japanese Straightening: Know What It Is And How It Works

It is not news that hair care is a priority for Brazilian women. We are always looking for new ways to care for and fix our locks. Procedures, both for esthetics and for hair health, whether professional or at home, are very common and are always changing. Always looking for improvement. With that, the new breakthrough is the Japanese straightening, which promises an impeccable smooth.

Japanese straightening has already been included in hair techniques in Brazil. That's because it is a straightening method that guarantees super smooth strands with a longer lasting effect. The straight hair of the oriental women was the desire of many women, so this blessed “progressive” was created and is gaining more and more the trust of the people.

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What is Japanese straightening?

Find out what is the new procedure sought in beauty salons.

As already mentioned, Japanese straightening promises super smooth yarns with a lasting effect. This one, originated in Turkey, but its development deepened in New York. Yes, this technique was not developed in Japan, the name is given, due to the comparison with Japanese hair. This procedure is already the most expensive straightening on the market, with the best results and is being used by many celebrities.

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This method consists of a mixture of chemical treatment with high temperature thermal restoration. Although the process is like a common progressive, Japanese straightening manages to divide the protein between its strands and realign the keratin, giving a smoother effect to the locks.

Time is required for this procedure, the completion of the steps can vary between 5 and 10 hours. The time will depend on the hair's size and the professional's agility. The value can also change according to the length of the wires.

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Formaldehyde is not present in the composition of Japanese straightening due to harmful substances in it, which can have negative health consequences. Still, it's a strong chemical, so it shouldn't be done at home, especially if you're new to this type of procedure.

Can it be used on any hair type?

Okay. But can it be done on any hair? Look

This will depend on the condition of your hair. To be able to withstand the chemistry of Japanese straightening, your hair needs to be healthy. It is often preferable that it be natural hair, that is, without any chemicals. If your hair is fragile, it is not recommended to use this technique. take care and moisturize of your locks and prepare them to receive the chemistry before any procedure.

How long does it last?

It is necessary to take hair growth into account, but in general, the minimum time is six months. Over time the hair will need maintenance, because with the growth, there will be a difference in textures.

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What care is needed before treatment?

Straightening will open the cuticle of your strands and restructure them, breaking and modifying the hair structure, therefore, when performing this method, make sure you choose a professional who has experience in this type of straightening, as it is a delicate process that needs care and knowledge.

After straightening care

What do I need to do after the process?

After any chemical procedure, the hair needs special care. The professional undergoing the treatment will indicate products for this care, these products need to be based on keratin and collagen. They will replenish the hair's proteins and provide hair shine and strength. Hair washing can only be done 72 hours after straightening. Physical exercise is not indicated, as sweat can spoil the procedure. Do not tie or tie your hair so that it does not mark. See the hairdresser the following week for a good hydration.

What is the price of Japanese straightening?

The value of Japanese straightening will depend on the size and thickness of your hair. The price in Brazil varies between 600 and 2000 reais. Bearing in mind that after the procedure you will leave aside that boring routine of going to the salon often, this is an investment that pays off.