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Smoky root: Discover the benefits and learn to care

Today we are going to talk about the smoked root, which guarantees a lot of beauty and charm for any woman.

Trend alert!!! That way we can't keep up, right? This fashion is special for blondes and redheads. The smoky root is super high and leaves the hair too beautiful. The trend is here to stay and I personally am loving it. And I'm sure it's not just me, as the technique makes it much easier as it doesn't need frequent retouching.

And I don't need to remind you that for chemical procedures such as bleaching, it is necessary in this case, the hair needs to be healthy, right? Strong, well-groomed hair opens doors to our self-esteem. THE BeautVip is our partner when it comes to beautiful and well-groomed hair, as it acts quickly, bringing strength and shine to the strands.

What is smoked root?

Let's show you now what the smoked root technique is all about.

The smoky root is nothing more than a transition in color from the root to the length of the hair, forming a sort of gradient at the hairline. In this way, the hair root will have a natural color and the length and ends will have lighter tones, giving the strands a smoky effect. It's a perfect technique for those who just want to lighten their locks or even for those people who are lazy to go to the salon often to do touch-ups.

Since the root is natural, frequent retouching is dispensed with unless you want it. The retouch can have a longer range, which is a great advantage and still looks beautiful.

How to care for hair with smoked root?

Care will be more necessary, as the hair undergoes discoloration. bleached hair they become more fragile, so they need more attention. The root remains natural, so each part of the hair will need special and different attention, as the strand at the root has not been changed, so it is healthier.

When choosing products, opt for those specific for bleached hair. Apply the shampoo for blond hair directly to the hair root, it will clean the scalp by removing the oiliness and will not damage the part that has been discolored. Also you should not apply any shampoo to the ends of the hair.

You can also use a special shampoo to remove the yellowness of the hair and keep the color beautiful and natural. But periodic use is not necessary or you could damage your hair further. After shampooing, a conditioner or moisturizer should be applied. Treatment products will also be changed to better quality products suitable for chemical powders.

Benefits of smoky root hair:

 The first and already mentioned benefit is the pauses in retouching. The hair can be retouched after a long time, as the roots will be in its natural color, which benefits our pockets. As it grows out, the hair will look even more natural and look deep. It also damages the locks less since it is not done all over the hair and visits to the salon are less.

Another wonderful benefit is the preservation of the natural contrast between hair and skin color and also with the color of the eyebrows, which is a recurrent concern for those who plan to adhere to light hair. Illuminates the face and makes it even more beautiful.

This technique highlights the wavy and curly hair a lot, as these textures combine with the gradient, and bring a perfect contrast in the strands due to the hair's natural waves. It brings a stripped and stylish look.

Reconstruction of bleached hair:

The smoky root process requires discoloration and with that comes the dryness of the hairs. Therefore, the reconstruction treatment must be stronger. In the process, some nutrients, vitamins and water are removed from the hair, which will need to be replaced so that the hair looks beautiful and strong.

The priority is hair repair, so invest in post chemical hair products that are bleached and have a rebuilding action. They will repair and restructure the hair, returning proteins to the hair fibers, reducing breakage and strengthening the hair.

Remember the need for professional assistance. It will guide you in the correct way to treat the hair, improving the texture and appearance after the procedure. In addition to the indication of good quality products, which will make a big difference in hair restoration.

Avoid washing the strands in hot water so as not to damage the strands. When going out in the sun or using thermal modelers, protect the wires from high temperature with their own products.

Don't go out of style:

Those who bet on the smoky root technique will have their hair always in fashion.

This technique is here to stay, so if you want to bet on the technique, you can go without fear. Current fashion has been diversified, improved and updated, but it is still a trend. You can try different for the highlights whenever you touch up, so your smoky roots will always look beautiful and refreshed.

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