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Simple hairstyles for school

We know that our difficulty is to remember some simple hairstyles to go to school, as we are usually in the rush of day to day, leaving little time to get dressed and mainly to fix the hair.

We usually stop and think, if with the time we have we eat, shower or get ready, then here is an article for you who are a mother of girls, children and even college students, because you will all find here the answers you are looking for, hairstyles pretty simple to go to school.

Here you will find some simple hairstyles to go to school that will streamline your life without putting aside the whimsy and zeal with your look. Now the biggest care you can take with your hair is using the BeautyVip Hair which will help your hair so much by making it soft and strong as well as helping a firm, smooth skin and strong nails.

So the biggest dilemma for a woman who works all day and has to study at night is how to fix her hair? What simple hairstyles for school can I do so as not to waste time. The same goes for the mother who works all day and has to get her daughter ready for school.

Here are some hairstyles to use and abuse:

In the daily rush of making moths always help to arrange the hair in an agile way, in this article you will find several ways to use the braid in a practical, quick and easy way.

hair knot:

One of the first simple hairstyles for going to school, is for those of you who leave your cell phone in snooze mode and wake up every five minutes, this is the essential hairstyle for going to school as it is simple and very easy.

First you'll split your hair in half, in the straight of a low tail.

Then it will do as if to tie a knot.

And finally, just attach and put something to decorate.

Inverted braided tiara:

you who love braids and want to go to school with a different look, but don't abandon them, these very simple hairstyles for going to school you will love.

First you will make a half-inlaid braid on both sides of the hair and finish them normally.

Then it will go under the nape of the neck, braiding the two, putting one from one end of the hair to the other and vice versa, after that just hold it and you will be ready for another one for your arsenal of simple hairstyles for school.

Blogger Coke:

This hairstyle is for those who like to go to college beautiful, but don't abandon their hair in a bun on the side.

This will be one of the simple go-to-school hairstyles that you can use even on other occasions, with accessories and more.

To start with, make a high ponytail and leave the fringe strands out of it.

Then take an elastic and tie the end of the ponytail, if you want to make it more relaxed, get a neckerchief and tie it together with the elastic at the end of the hair.

Then, from where the scarf is, start curling it towards the larger tail with the hair movements inwards.

Finally, when you get to the biggest tail, secure the bun with a hairpin, tie the scarf underneath and straighten the lock of bangs, then just go to school.

Side braid with ribbon:

Other very simple hairstyles to go to school are ones that feature a side braid using feint for a finishing touch.

This braid is very charming and easy to make at home, so let's go there to learn it.

You'll pull all the hair to your preferred side and clip a little ribbon where you'll start to lay the braid.

Then start embedding the hair and place the ribbon as if it were a lock of your own hair.

Finally, as soon as you finish the braid, loosen the braid's strands a little so that it is more relaxed, find the ribbon, wrap it well at the end of the braid and give it a little bow.

And ready there is another very simple hairstyle to go to school.

Braid on Top of Head:

1st – You can start by dividing the hair in the middle so that it looks good, divided to prepare the hair to make a braid;

2nd – On the front, on the left side, separate a strand and make a not very rigid braid. After you finish braiding, position the braid to the back of the head and close to where you started the braid (imagining that the braid follows the straight line of the hair divider);

3rd – take another portion of lock in the amount, similar to the braid, twist the lock of hair and add braid, repeat the same procedure, selecting a lock giving a twist and join the braid;

4º- After that, fasten it to the back of the head with a clip or clasp. Do the same procedure on the right side and you'll have one to complete your collection of simple hairstyles for school.

For frizzy and curly hair

 For frizzy and curly hair

Curly and frizzy hair can also be arranged practically and easily, taking advantage of the volume, check below.

False Mohawk:

For girls with curly or curly hair who have black hair style, you can take advantage of their own hair volume.

1st – After applying the comb cream, take a large strand at the front and use an elastic band on top, letting the curls fall a little forward like a mohawk.

2nd – After that, repeat the process twice more on the top of the head and make your locks the same as the top on the back of the head, always following a straight line. Fix the wires to be very nice and organized. Finally, you will have a nice hairstyle that resembles a mohawk, you will see that this is a very simple hairstyle for going to school.

Side braids with bun:

1st – After applying the comb cream, with the aid of a silicone rubber band or bushings, join the hair on top of the head as if you were going to make a bun, separating the sides.

2- With the hair that was separated on the sides, make two braids, following the contour of the head, towards the back, as two horizontal lines and ending with an elastic and fasten with a clip on the back of the head, close to the coke. Repeat the procedure on the other side. Finally adjust the bun to hide the ends of the braids and now you have one for your collection of simple hairstyles for school.

Finally, a simple one and split the curly hair or curly in the middle is with the help of two elastics one side of the hair with the elastic at the ear level and the other side. And wear a tiara and hide the end of the hair that is tied up. It is one of those types of simple hairstyles for going to school, which can be used for children or elementary education.

Finally, these were some simple hairstyle tips for going to school.

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