Shampoo to lighten hair: discover the best recipes

In recent years, it's not news to anyone that women are throwing themselves at the blonde, whether with streaks, along the entire length and even platbanding the threads. However, the results are not always the best, the process of bleaching the strands with the use of hydrogen peroxide and bleaching powder can be harmful to the health of the hair, which, if not properly cared for, can suffer from falling, elasticity, o hair thinning and even the dreaded chemical cutting.

With the advancement of technology, the ways to lighten the hair are more and more perfected, but great care is needed, our hair is fragile and very sensitive, and many factors can change the result of the dream blonde, that's why the BeautVip can be your ally at that time, the capsule has a unique shape that helps in hair growth and strengthening, saving your hair from further damage.

Virgin hair, which has never undergone dyes or any type of chemical, is more resistant to the process, as those that have already gone through some procedure can be more fragile and suffer more from aggressive chemical products, which even being of the best brands can cause damage.

It should also be taken into account the number of times the process is repeated, professionals do not indicate that you do too many bleaches in a short period of time, the hair may not hold and the damage may be irreversible.

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That's why women are looking every day for less aggressive and more natural ways to make their hair lighter, without having to undergo such an abrasive process, and today we are here to tell you a little bit about these methods.

Whitening shampoo can be very effective

Hair lightening shampoos are easily found in pharmacies, supermarkets and also on the internet, the value of these products varies between R$20.00 and R$110.00. We must remember that the results of these products are long term, some brands even stipulate months of use for the product to do what it should do.

Many women also bet on good and old homemade recipes to help in the process, and here we will show you some of them and teach you step by step!

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Onion Peel Tea:

You didn't read wrong, the onion peel tea is widely used in these cases, as it is a natural and easily accessible product, it ends up being the choice of many women, to prepare the tea just put the peels of two onions in a pan, add half a liter of water and heat until the mixture boils.

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Let it cool and then apply it to your hair in the way you prefer, with your own hands or even with a spray bottle. The product should work for about half an hour, and in the sun the effect is even better, after the break, wash your hair normally.

Homemade Chamomile Shampoo:

Another darling is the homemade chamomile shampoo, which in addition to being practical is very simple to make, bring three spoons of chamomile flower to the fire along with 50 ml of water, so that the solution is well concentrated, after cooling mix it with the transparent shampoo . The use of this shampoo is recommended twice a week, since the transparent shampoo used in excess can be harmful to the hair.

The best homemade whitening recipes

Honey, oil and vinegar:

This powerful mixture consists of mixing half a cup of honey, half a spoon of vinegar and a spoon of extra virgin olive oil, apply it to clean hair and let it act as long as you want. The longer the action, the more results. After that, wash your hair normally.

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These recipes are great for those who do not want a result as intense as the salon or for people who are allergic to the products used in these whitening processes. Remembering that just like purchased shampoos, recipes show long-term results, and if done consistently and in the right way they appear even faster!

Never forget to take care of your hair, even if you are using natural recipes, combined with the BeautVip success is guaranteed, the capsules are proven to be effective, and the benefit is not just for the hair, they also aid in 3x more hydrated skin and stronger nails up to 87%, so yours are worth guaranteeing!

And so we show you that you can have blonde hair as you want without the use of chemicals, with natural ingredients that are good for your hair, take care of the strands and bring amazing results!

There is always a different alternative to the conventional one, and they work, on the internet you can find testimonials and photos of other women who used these recipes and they had the results they wanted.

Searching hard, you can find the best shapes that best suit your hair type, and will bring you the results you want so much.