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Does shampoo for growth really work? How should I choose?

If you are stubborn about making your hair grow, you should certainly be looking for products that promote hair growth. However, to get the most accurate results, it is important to choose the right product. In this article, we will talk about shampoo for hair growth. Check out.

If you want to get longer hair, you've probably already talked about growth shampoos. But do they work? This and other questions you will check in this article!

In addition to the importance of using a shampoo for hair growth, other alternatives can be taken to advance the desired result. And that's exactly why we advise you to use the BeautyVip Hair, as its formula promises hair growth up to 6x faster, which will certainly shorten the time to achieve the long-desired long hair!

However, in addition to the importance of using BeautVip Hair, you can combine the treatment with other hair care products that promote hair growth, such as shampoos for growth. Want to know more about them? So check out this article.

What is hair growth shampoo?

According to expert consensus, hair naturally tends to grow about 1cm per month, that is, around 12cm per year. There are several factors that can influence this issue, both for more and for less.

Issues such as food, metabolism and the type of daily care with the hair directly influence hair growth. However, one of the factors that compromise the growth of highlights is hair oil.

And it is exactly in this aspect that the hair growth shampoo acts. These shampoos often have a high cleansing content, helping to remove or balance oiliness from the scalp.

Thus, acting directly on one of the factors that undermine hair growth, these shampoos stimulate the natural growth of hair, in addition to promoting nutrition and hydration, depending on the other compounds contained in the product.

Does shampoo for hair growth work?

Many women believe that it is only possible to accelerate hair growth through products in capsules or masks designed for this purpose. However, it is worth noting that shampoo for hair growth does work, as long as you make the right choice.

Our hair responds to the nutrients we direct to them. Therefore, if we use products that encourage hair growth, without a doubt the growth process will become much faster.

So, using a shampoo for hair growth is extremely valid, but as long as you choose a product whose formulation is focused on components that promote growth.

How does the hair growth shampoo work on the hair?

Hair growth shampoo primarily acts as a detergent. That is, it removes excess dirt from the strands and cleans hair follicles, which are often clogged due to pollution.

In this way, as it promotes unclogging, it becomes easier for the scalp to absorb nutrients from the shampoo itself or from other products. So, in a way, the shampoo makes the “environment” conducive to the development and growth of hair.

How should I choose the hair growth shampoo?

there is a plethora of hair growth shampoos and so it is critical that you know how to choose the right product. There is no fixed pattern that you must follow. However, to ensure the most efficient and accurate results, there are some tips you can put into practice.

To choose the best shampoo for growth, you should always pay attention to the composition of the product, because it will determine its effectiveness in terms of stimulating hair growth. Therefore, in the following topics, we will talk about which compounds provide this result.


Biotin, also known as vitamin B7 or H, is highly known and present in many cosmetic products, and it is not difficult to understand why. This substance is essential for the proper functioning of hair, skin and nails.

Other than that, it stimulates the production of keratin, which is a key protein in hair formation. Furthermore, Biotin stimulates blood circulation, makes the hair thicker, more resistant and also helps in combating and dandruff prevention.


Always look for shampoo for hair growth that has d-panthenol in its composition, as it is extremely rich in vitamin B5, which acts directly on the scalp, balancing the level of protein and lipid.

This compound is essential to treat the root, preventing hair loss, reduces split ends, improves texture and gives softness to the hair. Other than that, in addition to providing growth, d-panthenol provides shine and elasticity.

Vitamin A

This is practically a mandatory compound in every shampoo for growth, as vitamin A acts directly on the restoration and hydration of the hair. Other than that, as it has an antioxidant action, it prevents premature aging and combats fall.

Vitamin A is one of the essential compounds for those women who want to get longer hair.

In addition to providing growth, vitamin A promotes the elasticity of the hair, making them more resistant and fighting the formation of split ends. Other than that, it is responsible for balancing the scalp's natural oils.

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