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Self-draining: learn how to do this technique at home

Performing aesthetic procedures is more fashionable than ever. Women have crowded the agendas of aesthetic and beauty clinics, seeking to recover, or increase their self-esteem, through some special techniques. Lymphatic drainage is one of those techniques that promise wonders in women's bodies. But today, we're here to teach you a homemade version of this procedure, called self-draining.  

But if you came here, it must be because you are looking to improve the appearance and beauty of your skin, right? Well, let's show you, then, the greatest ally of female beauty: the slimming gel and anti-cellulite BeautVip Cel. Unlike other products that promise but do not deliver, this cream was developed using natural actives such as safflower, arnica and green tea. 

BeautVip Cel hydrates the skin, eliminates cellulite and leaves the complexion with an out-of-this-world smoothness. But it's no use just promising a world of benefits, is it? So before we convince you of anything, look for the various reports of women who changed the way they see their bodies through this revolutionary product.  

But what is drainage or self-draining? 

Let's talk a little bit about both drainage processes.

If you are an old war in the world of aesthetic procedures, then surely you must have heard of several body techniques, which are invasive, or even leave sequelae under the body. Some are made using super modern and technological devices. Others are made through applications of natural and/or artificial assets.  

However, there is an aesthetic procedure, called lymphatic drainage, which is done only with the hands, without the aid of invasive devices, cuts or surgeries. Lymphatic drainage consists of several massage techniques that manage to remove excess fluid and toxic components that are present in the body.  

The trained professional knows exactly the points where he has to press, and also the correct force to apply. However, unlike other procedures that are able to eliminate localized fat or other fats, drainage does not make you lose weight. However, as she manages to reduce the swelling, there can be a significant change in her body. The self-draining technique that we will teach you now must be followed to the letter, and very carefully. 

How to self-drain? 

1st step: 

Make sure you can see the entire length of your body through a mirror. Standing in front of him, you will fold your arms around each other, as if you were a self-massage, then you will squeeze the clavicle region, which is better known as soap dispensers. After doing this at least 3 times, go to the next step. 

2nd step:  

Holding your elbow firmly in your hand, you will slide it toward your shoulder, repeating this process at least 8 times, on one arm, then on the other. Afterwards you will do the same procedure, 8 times again, but this time from the wrist to the elbow. 

3rd step:  

In the hip region, you will place your hands under the little bones, squeezing on both sides at least 3 times. With your thumbs, you will do circular massages in the navel region (but without much force so as not to hurt yourself ok?). Afterwards, a few pinches in the belly area, to stimulate fat burning. Do this until your belly is red.  

Self-draining is capable of burning some fat, but to lose weight, it will take a series of exercises to actually burn the localized fat. Good eating habits are also super important.  

4th step:  

With your hands still on your waist, you will squeeze this area firmly, running your hands down to the middle of your belly. After repeating this process at least 5 times, pinch the sides of your body, and repeat the previous process again. 

5th step: 

press the nodes in the groin area at least three times. Afterwards, slide one hand down the leg, but firmly, then go up to the knee and finish the process in the groin again. This process must be done on both sides of the body (right and left leg). Stimulating the different areas of the body is a very important step for our self-draining. 

6th step:  

Make a fist with your hands, and slide it down the leg to the top of the knee. Repeat the same process on the bottom, and on the other leg, at least 3 times. Then do the same process on both legs, but this time going down to the groin. 

Follow the steps correctly, but be sure to go to a professional, as their assessment is essential.

Self-draining can be a great way to detoxify your body, and get rid of some of the localized fat. However, it must be done with great care, so as not to cause damage to the body. Before adopting the steps listed below in your routine, look for a specialized professional to help you and show you some extra steps.  

But anyway, we hope you enjoyed all our content about self-draining. See you next time my people.  

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