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Rosemary extract: What are its benefits and how to do it?

Today we are going to talk about this extract, which has been widely used for beauty treatments and other purposes.

Unsurprisingly, ingredients for culinary use are increasingly overtaking kitchen cabinets and infiltrating recipes for moisturizing or moisturizing hair. This is not surprising, as they are natural and contain many of the nutrients that hair needs. Rosemary extract, which is the central theme of our article, is one of them, and it has become increasingly used by women, who want a new life for their locks. 

Rosemary extract is highly coveted, as are capsules from BeautyVip Hair, which has gained a lot of notoriety among our country's digital divas and influencers. All this fame is not for nothing, since it is the only capsule on the market, with a revolutionary formula, which in addition to ensuring strength, softness and shine to the hair, is also able to strengthen the nails, and keep the skin elastic and with a breathtaking appearance.  

Rosemary extract: what is it for? 

What are the properties of rosemary extract?

Also known as rosemary essential oil, this extract taken from the plant of the same name, has become widely used in the daily hair care of many women around the world. Rosemary, in addition to being a great seasoning, capable of guaranteeing a spectacular flavor, especially in meats, is also capable of combating various ailments in the body.  

Rosemary extract benefits: 

1-Combat the effects of aging:

As an ingredient with antioxidant action, rosemary can help fight the effects of aging, such as the famous expression marks (wrinkles, chicken feet and etc). Do you know collagen, which is so important to not leaving your face saggy and looking aged? Well, rosemary extract, when used in your skin care routine, can accelerate the production of this component that is so important to our body.  

After you have consulted your trusted dermatologist, and the use of this product has been approved by them, you will do the following: Mix the rosemary extract, with a little coconut oil, and dilute them in water. Then, just apply it under the face with the help of a cotton pad, waiting a few minutes to remove it with a cloth soaked in very warm water.  

2- Avoid cavities: 

What a versatile product isn't it? Well that's exactly it, for you who were wondering “rosemary extract? what is it for?”, know that he is even capable of preventing the onset of cavities, which here between us are not at all desirable. 

To make use of rosemary extract on your teeth, all you will need to do is: Set aside 1 cup of distilled water and add about 20 drops of rosemary extract, placing about amount in the mouth and rinsing at least 1 time per day. As with topical use, rosemary extract for the prevention of cavities it should only be used after a professional evaluation. 

3-Grow hair: 

Here is the form of use you were most waiting for. Rosemary extract is even capable of stimulating the growth of your hair. But it doesn't stop there, due to its action to fight harmful organisms, such as fungi, it is able to keep your locks away from the dandruff problem.  

If you want, just mix a few drops of rosemary extract, with one or two tablespoons of coconut oil, apply under the hair, massaging well and removing at bath time. Or simply mixing the same amount in the shampoo bottle, and using it at least once every 15 days. 

Anyway, for you who were wondering: “rosemary extract? what is it for?”, know that in addition to the uses mentioned above, it has several other properties, and may even alleviate symptoms such as headaches, for example. But now, we will teach you how to make rosemary extract at home.  

How to make rosemary extract: 

Let's teach you now, how to make rosemary extract at home.

The process is very simple, all you will need is: 

Now, you will add the rosemary to the base oil, placing it in the container and shaking it gently, and leaving the container closed after the process, for about two weeks (preferably in a dark place). Then, just remove the rosemary branches from the oil with the help of a sieve.  

It is important to dilute the rosemary extract in water, whenever you use it, and avoid its consumption if you are pregnant or have blood pressure problems. As stated above, its use can only be done with the supervision of a doctor, as the properties present in rosemary extract can generate reactions with some medications.  

We hope you understand its properties, as well as how to make rosemary extract. To the next! 

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