Rice water for skin: Learn about the benefits of this technique and how to do it

Rice is an indispensable ingredient in Brazilian cuisine. However, many women are unaware that the water in which we cook the beans, and it is usually vaporized or discarded, can be used on the skin, bringing with it several benefits. Knowing that, today we'll talk about using rice water for skin, and how to enjoy all that it can offer you.

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Benefits of rice water for the skin:

Today we are going to talk about the many benefits that rice water can provide to your skin.

It is not known to many that rice water was already widely used by Japanese and Chinese women for many centuries. Orientals like us, consume a huge amount of rice, however, what makes us different is the use of all the compounds in which these grains release when washed, cooked or fermented.

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The rice water, when obtained after cooking, becomes rich in nutrients and vitamins, essential for the skin to become well cared for. Oriental women put on a show when it comes to beauty in the best age, as their skin becomes very elastic through homemade recipes, such as the use of rice water for skin.

Is your skin stained and half lifeless? Well know that through the antioxidants present in rice water, it has the power to lighten the skin, and give back all the lost liveliness. The rice water for the skin, also serves to protect it from the sun's rays, irritations, inflammations, and even acts on the effects of aging.

As stated above, oriental women carry an incredible vivacity even in advanced ages, as the action of inositol under the skin is able to delay the effects of aging. Inositol is present in rice water, and is able to even stimulate blood flow, decreasing the appearance of open pores in the skin.

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Some Brazilian women have been using rice water for their skin for decades. However, many of them use washing water, which despite being beneficial, is not as rich as the water obtained during cooking.

The common white rice water can be used without fear. However, the ones that guarantee the best results are brown rice, black rice and red rice. The best thing to do is buy organic rice, as the one commonly sold in the market is covered with pesticides that are harmful to your skin.

this grand tonic for the skin, it guarantees very accelerated results, already in the first days of application, so it should be used every day, to guarantee a skin with great appearance. There are several ways to prepare rice water for skin, but luckily, we have separated the simplest to be made.

Rice Water Recipes for Skin

We will teach you, the best ways on how you can use rice water to revitalize your skin.

Cooked rice water:

Simpler than this recipe, impossible! All you'll need is 4 cups of filtered water and 1/2 of your favorite rice (if you can't find black or red, white will do).
Now all you have to do is boil the water, add the beans and wait about 20 minutes over low heat. Then just collect the water with a ladle, or strain the rice, separate the water in a container and take it to the refrigerator. Despite taking it to the fridge, use the rice water for the skin, as quickly as you can. Ideally, it should be stored for a maximum of 48 hours, so as not to lose its nutrients.

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Our other recipe is also super easy to make, but it will require a longer waiting time, as it will be made through natural fermentation.

Fermented rice water:

You will wash about 1/2 cup of rice under running water, then place it in a container with a lid, and add about 2 cups of filtered water.
The beans stayed about 24 hours in this water for the fermentation process to take place. After time, you will strain the rice and discard it, saving only your rice water for skin. Use it at least twice a day, and if the fermentation smell is strong, add a little essential oil.

That's it for now, we hope that this rice water for skin will be of great use to you.