Red spots on the skin: Know the causes

Have you ever had those red patches on your skin that appear out of nowhere and you never know why? They are often accompanied by swelling and discomfort such as itching or burning. The first things we think about in these cases are insect bites or allergies, but they can also have other reasons. Sometimes it just indicates a normal everyday problem, but it can also be caused by serious illnesses. Do you know them?

Do you know the reason for the red spots on your skin? Look:

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simple diseases

The causes of red spots on the skin caused on a daily basis can vary a lot, so pay attention to the shape and even texture of the spot. Hives, for example, have very red, swollen patches that are very itchy.

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If they are located on the feet, breasts, armpits, groin or thighs, and are accompanied by burning and itching, it may be a case of ringworm. This is a fungal disease, is simple to treat and is contagious.

Seborrheic dermatitis is a very common disease and also has the symptoms of itching and red patches on the skin, accompanied by scaling, burning and oiliness. They can arise from allergies or periods of stress.

Another cause of red patches on the skin is scabies. This is caused by the mite, which causes intense itching and is transmitted through contact, with objects or even with people.

Diseases that need diagnosis

Some serious illnesses can cause red patches on the skin. Pay attention.

Red spots on the skin can also be caused by more serious illnesses and/or that require medical evaluation.


Eczema, or dermatitis, can have many types, some of which need more attention. It may look like allergies, but it is an inflammatory process that arises from an irritant. Exposure to heat and water from swimming pools can contribute to the increase of red spots on the skin. The area where the blemishes are located can itch a lot, peel off, the skin will possibly become very dry, becoming rough and blisters may appear.

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Zika virus disease can bring red patches on the skin as one of the symptoms. The spots are more like small spots that appear all over the body and are very itchy. They disappear on their own after about a week.


This is an autoimmune disease that attacks the connective tissue, favoring the appearance of red spots on the skin. They are painless, but itchy, just like the other ailments mentioned above. These spots usually appear in regions where more cartilage is found, such as the ears, nose and face, and may also affect the lungs.


In this case, the spots may or may not cause burning and itching and mainly affects areas such as elbows, knees, nails, scalp and lower back. They are also lesions that tend to peel and can leave the skin dry to the point of cracking and nails that are irregular and weak.

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Impinge (tinea)

Caused by fungi that feed on the skin's keratin, impinge is a superficial infectious disease. It can appear in different parts of the body, but it is more likely to appear in regions that tend to be wetter such as the feet, hands, scalp and groin. There may be itching, burning and smelly blisters. The disease can be transmitted from person to person, especially if one of them has low immunity.

other reasons

Rubella can cause red spots on the body along with other symptoms. THE rosacea it is an autoimmune disease that has no cure and also causes swollen and burning spots.

It is also necessary to look out for possible skin cancer, but this also causes slight bleeding from the wounds. Therefore, regardless of the suspicion, the medical diagnosis cannot be replaced.

Do not give up the medical diagnosis

Skin diseases may sound simple, but they often aren't. home care they can be done, yes, but in severe cases there will be no improvement or you Poe aggravate the situation of dust spots even from the disease itself.