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Red hair: Tips on how to take care of it

Learn now how to take care of your red hair, with amazing tips and recipes for it, in addition to understanding some practices that damage your hair.

Nowadays, hair painting has become something common among women, who use and abuse different shades in their hair. However, keeping their hair dyed healthy is a challenge for them, as the dyes damage the natural structure of the strands. With that in mind, today we are going to guide you here on how to take care of your red hair, so that you can have hair with more shine and more life.

Know that one of the main causes for your colored hair to become dry is the lack of vitamins in the body, which is responsible for the strength of your hair. For this reason, many women use the BeautyVip Hair, which are capsules made to replenish nutrients and allow your hair to grow firmer and look better.

Now you will check here some essential tricks to keep your red hair alive and well hydrated, as well as understand the reasons that make your hair brittle.

Do you know how to take care of your dyed hair? Not? So see everything here now.

How to take care of red hair?

You will now see some great tips to make your locks stronger and prevent your hair from falling out, so follow all the information with us.

Coloring for highlights

In case you have faded hair, the solution is to use a colorant to enhance the hair's reflex and leave it even more alive. The benefit of this product is that in addition to giving back the color of your locks, it also does not harm them, as it does not have ammonia in its composition.

Use the proper shampoo for your hair

One of the tricks to keep the color of your hair is to choose the appropriate shampoo for them, since incorrect use, in addition to damaging the hair, can also remove the color we want to keep. Therefore, always choose shampoos without sulfate in the composition and also avoid anti-residue shampoos.

Cream with sun protection

The sun is one of the agents that damage your hair, as it breaks down the proteins present in your hair, making it fragile and weak. The sun is also responsible for fading the color of your red hair, making it orange, which is an effect we don't want on our red hair.

Do not use hot water on the wires.

One of the villains to make hair brittle is washing it with water at high temperature, as it damages the hair fiber and dries out the strands, giving them that bad look of lifeless hair and also removes the tone of our hair.

Thermal protector in the locks

As we've already shown you, the high temperature in the hair is something to be avoided, for this reason, always use thermal protector to protect your hair from flat irons and dryers, so that your strands do not become dry or faded.

capillary schedule

A wonderful tip to take care of your red hair is to use a capillary schedule, which is a care routine for your hair, based on the break time that each process carried out on the hair needs, so that it recovers.

Check out some recipes now to nourish and hydrate your red hair, so that the color lasts longer.

Recipes to strengthen red hair

You will now learn some recipes to moisturize your painted tresses, so that they become stronger, softer and more bright. See below:

Hydration with mango and egg

This recipe will help you maintain the color and also nourish the threads, giving a great result for your hair.

  1. You will need a beaten mango pulp, three scoops of moisturizing cream and an egg white for this recipe.
  2. In a container, add the above ingredients and mix them well.
  3. Soon after, pass the product on the hair along its entire length.
  4. Then let the mixture rest on the strands for twenty minutes.
  5. Finally, remove all the product from your locks.

Coconut Oil Hydration

This recipe is to nourish your hair, leaving them with more life and also stronger. Then follow the steps:

  1. In a bowl, add two scoops of moisturizing mask and a scoop of coconut oil.
  2. Then mix the ingredients and apply this paste to your hair.
  3. Then let the mixture work for twenty minutes on the locks.
  4. Lastly, just remove the product from your hair.

You now know the care you should take with your red hair, so do all of them and have streaks with color for longer, in addition to being very soft and shiny.

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