Recipes for dry hair: 5 hydrations

Nowadays, attention to hair has grown a lot among women, due to the easy access, provided by the internet, to hair care methods. Knowing this, we will make it even easier for you today, as we will teach you here how to make some recipes for dry hair, so you can have hydrated hair right there in the comfort of your home.

For you to get the hair you've always dreamed of, it is necessary to treat beyond the result of dryness, the cause that made them look lifeless. Know that one of the main causes for dry hair is lack of vitamins in the body, for this reason, many women resort to capsules BeautVip, which are the replacement of what your body lacks to have healthier and more resistant hair. Starting to take care of your hair from the inside, the result with the recipes will be even faster.

Now we are going to explain you about dry hair and teach you how to make some recipes for dry hair, so that today, you can give more softness and more shine to your hair, so come with us to rock.

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Dry hair is a problem that many women face, so find out here with us how to solve this challenge.

What is dry hair?

Dry hair is those with dry strands, without shine, with frizz and with a volume beyond what is desired. They have split ends and are also brittle with little strength. They are threads with a rough appearance, visibly damaged by internal or external factors.

When you have dry tresses, it is because they are not retaining water as they should, as they have open cuticles, so it is necessary to replenish the necessary nutrients and also moisturize the hair to control this problem. For this, we are going to show you recipes for dry hair, with easily accessible products, which you can have in your kitchen, wonderful, right?

We've brought you some miraculous recipes for you to try and approve. Your hair will look amazing.

5 recipes for dry hair

Taking care of dry hair seems like an impossible mission, but it is not, with the right tips you can have healthy locks again. Here you will learn 5 recipes for dry hair, which will help you in this treatment, giving back the life your hair needs and that you deserve.

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Remembering that all the hydrations that we are going to teach you must have the correct hair washing, with the application of the recipe after you shampoo, because your cuticles will be open, ready to absorb the product and then you must seal the cuticles with the conditioner, check out the hydrations below:

Hydration with cornstarch

1. In a non-metallic container, you should add 200 ml of water with 2 tablespoons of cornstarch and mix well these ingredients.

2. Next, you should add moisturizing cream according to the amount of your locks, and then mix everything well.

3. Finally, you should apply on your hair, leaving it for 30 minutes.

Aloe hydration

1. In a plastic container, add 3 scoops of moisturizing cream and mix well with 2 scoops of aloe.

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2. Now, just apply this mixture and let it act for 20 minutes on your locks.

3. Finally, just remove the hydration and apply the conditioner.

Hydration with coconut oil

1. First add 3 scoops of moisturizing mask, then add 2 scoops of coconut oil.

2. Then, mix these two ingredients well and just apply it to the hair.

3. Leave it for 30 minutes and that's it, your hair will be much prettier.

Hydration with avocado and honey

1. In a plastic container, add 3 scoops of whipped avocado, then add 1 scoop of honey.

2. Mix these two ingredients well and add 2 scoops of moisturizing cream into the mixture.

3. Finally, just let it act on the locks for 30 minutes and that's it.

Hydration with coconut milk

1. First, put 2 tablespoons of coconut milk and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil in a container.

2. Then add 3 scoops of moisturizing mask and mix well.

3. Finally, just apply it to the hair and leave it for 30 minutes.

Remembering that there are ingredients that, from them, it is possible to make several recipes for dry hair, such as hydration with egg. Now that you know everything, just put it into practice and rock