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Recipe to strengthen your nails: Discover practical and efficient recipes here

Are your nails weak and breaking too easily? Did you know that some recipe for strengthening your nails may be what you need to improve the health of that part of your body? In this article, you will check out some of them, which are extremely easy, practical and efficient! Did you like the subject? So just continue with this article!

If your nails are very weak and you don't know how to strengthen them, check out some recipes for this purpose.

The easiest and most efficient recipe to ensure more resistant nails is certainly using vitamin capsules BeautyVip Hair, since it is formulated with components and nutrients essential for the proper functioning of our nails. However, nothing prevents him from combining this care with some recipes.

Furthermore, the use of vitamin capsules, in addition to making you get much more resistant nails, will make your hair grow healthier and much more hydrated. And seriously, what better way to boost a woman's self-esteem

What precautions should I take to keep a nail healthy?

Seriously, it's no use giving you some recipes to strengthen your nails if you don't keep some care. Know that one of the main factors that make nails brittle is due to some wrong habits we have.

Therefore, be aware that you must maintain a daily nail care, especially if they are already weak. It's just changing some habits that you'll get more resistant and shiny nails, for example.

Among the main precautions, we can mention the fact that you start consuming more dairy products and foods rich in calcium, protein and vitamins A and E. Try to drink more water, at least 8 glasses a day, as this will improve nail health .

Avoid at any cost to open cans or scratch any region with your nails, for this promotes the weakening of them. If you usually bathe in hot water, avoid having your nails in direct contact with hot water.

If possible, it is good that you keep a certain habit of going to a beauty salon for maintenance. But if that's not possible, at least always sand them squarely and in the same direction.

Recipe to strengthen your nails

There are a multitude of recipes to strengthen your nails, and you can be free to choose the one that best suits your nails or that best matches the needs of your nails. In the next topics, we'll show you how to make these recipes. Check out.

Recipe to strengthen nails with aloe

THE aloe It is already well known in this area of homemade recipes precisely because of its strengthening and moisturizing properties not only for the nails, but also for the hair and skin. But to get these results for your nails, you'll need to:

The preparation mode is super simple. All you have to do is mix the two ingredients well, wet a cotton ball and rub the liquid over your nails. Leave to act until it dries naturally. If you want to leverage the result, you can use a strengthening base right away.

Recipe to strengthen your nails with raw onion

This is a recipe for strengthening nails that many women avoid making because of the smell of onions. That's a pretty understandable reason, but if you want sturdier nails, it's worth the effort. For this recipe, all you'll need is an onion.

Then, just cut an onion in half, make a hole and let your nails rest for about 15 minutes. After time, wash the water thoroughly under running water and apply a fragrant soap to remove the smell.

Recipe to strengthen nails with rosemary

Rosemary is a powerful component when it comes to stimulating nail growth and strength. Therefore, this recipe can be used very well. For this you will need to give:

To prepare it is very simple, just boil the rosemary in water for 5 minutes, let it cool and soak your nails in the container for 10 minutes. For best results, we recommend that you do this procedure twice a week.

Recipe to strengthen nails with cucumber

Cucumber is also a powerful ally for women who want to achieve stronger nails. And the best part is that it is a very easy recipe, since you will only need a cucumber. To prepare this recipe, just follow the step by step:

This is a very simple and extremely accessible recipe, considering that only one ingredient is needed.

Simply blend a whole cucumber in a blender, unpeeled. Afterwards, remove the juice obtained and transport it to a container. Then just dip your fingertips into the mixture for a few minutes. Do this procedure every day for a week.

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