Photobiomodulation: What is it? How to make?

For sure, you must have already heard of aesthetic treatments made with the use of light, or even already had one of them. Well know, that behind these procedures, there is a basic principle, which is called photobiomodulation. Behind this complicated name, there is a very “simple” concept, it is to biologically alter an organism, through the induction of photons, which will interact with molecules and atoms.  

But before we get into this scientific subject, we have to give you one of the best advice when it comes to skin improvement. Maybe you have come this far, because your skin is damaged by stretch marks, cellulite or other ailments. But there is no need to worry about this, as for both problems, there is a solution: O BeautVip Cel. 

This incredible slimming cream is capable of restoring all the vitality of the skin, through daily use. Unlike other reducing creams, it is able to act deeply on the skin, revitalizing it completely, restoring all the softness, shine and elasticity that were lost over the years. So, don't waste your time with solutions that don't work, and bet on a cream that really generates results.  

Photobiomodulation: what is it? 

We will now explain to you what Photobiomodulation is all about.

As stated above, photobiomodulation is a process that occurs within our body, when light beams are induced at the right frequency, causing photons to react between molecules and atoms. Treatments based on this concept can be useful for several cases, such as ending pimples, acne, reducing cellulite and stretch marks, or even ending hair loss.  

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In hair, photobiomodulation works like sunlight works in plants, going directly to the hair follicle, causing several benefits, including preventing hair loss. Vitamin deficiency is one of the major problems that can cause hair loss. Treatments based on the use of light (infrared or otherwise), are able to help the hair consume the correct amount of nutrients and minerals.  

The hair follicle, which is showing inflammation, can also be recovered through photobiomodulation. If you are going through the notorious problem of thin, weak or brittle hair, a treatment based on this process may be the best way to restore strength, shine and softness to your locks.  

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Unlike other treatments, those based on the use of light beams, have no contraindications, are mostly painless, and have faster and more noticeable results with just a few sessions. For you who were asking yourself: "photobiomodulation: what?" is it?”, we hope you have understood. But even so, we will give you more information about the techniques that involve this process, which are present in the body or hair aesthetics market.  

Laser photobiomodulation and other techniques: 

As stated above, the Photobiomodulation process can be done with several techniques. One of them is laser photobiomodulation, which uses laser rays that are able to penetrate the skin, repairing various damages and even helping to heal wounds or surgical cuts. Laser photobiomodulation can be done through several devices, which are configured at different intensities for each case.  

These devices can be used to make lymphatic drainages, for treatments against cellulite, to fight arthritis, chronic pain, sagging skin, to eliminate or reduce expression lines, among other uses.  

However, just like any other type of aesthetic procedure, it is necessary to take some precautions. One of them is to avoid the use of these techniques in pregnant women or women with problems in the uterus. Never apply in the region close to the eyes, without a protective goggle on the patient, as well as avoid the chest and neck region.  

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People with epilepsy should also not have this type of treatment, unless there is some kind of provision or restricted medical prescription.  

As stated above, photobiomodulation can happen with different types of lights. Therefore, we will show you, which are the most used, and what are their effects and indications: 

The techniques that are capable of producing Photobiomodulation can vary depending on their intensity and also on the type of light they present.

-Infrared light:  

It can increase the production of collagen and elastin, in addition to being great for disinflammation and for reducing pain in certain areas.  

-Red light:  

It has a regeneration and biostimulation effect, in addition to being perfect for fighting expression lines.  

-Blue light: 

It has an antibacterial and healing effect, also combating excess oil, and being able to regenerate even the skin tissue. 

-Violet light: 

Perfect for controlling cellulite and expression lines, in addition to having a moisturizing action. 

-Amber light: 

It is able to improve tissue texture, producing a better interaction and production between collagen and elastin. 

Well, that's it for now, we hope that all our content regarding photobiomodulation