Personal colorimetry: know how to assemble your look with the right color

Is there anything worse than going out on the street, coming across a look you loved, buying it and realizing it didn't fit you? Of course not? Well, know that this can happen for several reasons, from the style of cut that didn't fit well with your body, or because the color of the piece didn't match as well as your personal colorimetry. For those who don't know what this technique is, let's explain it with this super special article. 

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What is Personal Colorimetry? 

Don't know what Personal Colorimetry is? So let's explain to you what this is about.

Surely you have already gone through the following situation: A friend bought a very beautiful outfit, and asked you to try it on. It was a pretty flashy look, and you really wanted it. However, when you tried it, you hated it, because it just didn't suit you. This type of situation happens due to lack of knowledge in personal colorimetry. 

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This feature aims to choose an ideal color palette for your skin tone and style, so you don't make a mistake when putting together your own look. By choosing your ideal tone, and also the subtones, you will be able to know a little more about yourself, and also enhance your skin tone through more assertive choices.  

You may have heard of capillary colorimetry Is not it? Well, the principle of Personal Colorimetry is very similar, and all you need to do is identify your skin temperature, and also its tone. The colors we use in our daily lives are capable of saying a lot about us. 

If in doubt, just stare at a wall in solid color for a few minutes, and try to describe the feeling it gives you. Colors are capable of making our emotions surface, such as anger, sadness, happiness, euphoria and others. Even your appearance can be controlled by colors, as some of them can make you look younger or older, wiser or more dreamy, and so on. 

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Other parameters such as color depth and intensity are also taken into account when building your color palette based on personal Colorimetry. However, to determine a color palette with assertiveness, it is necessary to make an assessment, with a professional in the area of image and style consulting.  

However, we can help you discover a little more about the right colors for your skin tone. So stay there connected with us! 

What is my skin tone according to Personal Colorimetry? 

Let's talk a little more about the characteristics of each skin tone.

Skin in warm tones: 

This type of skin, has as one of its characteristics, veins in greener tones, being a little more yellowish or tanned. They are skins with lighter and more ruddy earth tones, which combine a lot with the gold. 

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Pure autumnal colors are a great choice for people with this skin temperature. They range from pale lilac to dull gold, so it's a medium depth color palette. There are several other beautiful color palettes for people with warm skin tone, and that is why it is necessary to consult a professional with knowledge in personal colorimetry for this. 

Skin in cool tones: 

The skins in cold tones, on the other hand, are a little more pink or reddish, and easily burn if exposed to the sun. Its veins have more bluish tones, and combine much more with silver. They can be light or dark, so they are a little harder to determine.  

Deep winter colors are one of the best colors for people with cool skin tones. These colors are bright, and as the name already indicated, they are quite deep. However, they do not have a very strong intensity, but this is not so important, since the more opaque tones also suit this type of skin very well, according to Personal Colorimetry. 

Anyway, that was our content about Personal Colorimetry. Remember to seek help from a professional on the subject to determine your color palette. Kisses until next time!