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Pearly blond hair: learn more about this option for light shade lovers

See how to have your hair a pearly blonde tone.

The search for lighter shades has been growing a lot in women's fashion, the blonde in question has been the most beloved among women who want to change their look. If you're a blonde lover, you're sure to love the pearly blonde hair trend.

If you choose this option, because the strands are blond, you will need more attention as to your hair. That's why you'll have to invest in the health of your hair. beautvip hair, which will strengthen your strands working as a hair schedule, acting directly on the roots of your hair.

The pearly blonde hair is like a reinterpretation of platinum, it gets to be more elegant, cool and much more light and sophisticated, a warmer tone.

You might be wondering if this tone fits all and I'll tell you. Because it is a more dramatic shade, pearly blonde hair is a good choice for black-skinned women, as it is a warmer shade and consequently blends better with warmer-toned skin.

As a result, it delivers a more natural look, which is something many women look for when they're going to change their look. Of course it is also an alternative to other types of skin, but I have to point out that in black skin it stands out much more.

Also, pearly blonde hair is great for streaking, sometimes you just want to change the look in a lighter way, meaning this can be a great option for you who don't want to radicalize your hair and change it drastically. 

The strands of pearly blond hair combine with a smoky root and guarantee an even more natural look, and the best part, it causes little wear and tear on the strands of hair, which is great.

How to get to pearly blonde

You will read how to get the pearly blonde tone.

To get the tone of pearly blonde hair, first of all you need to prepare your strands to receive the ink, so you will get your tone with the health of your hair.

Invest in products, a routine to take care of your hair and soon after it is healthy and nourished, then you can start the process of how to make your hair pearly blonde. 

You can choose to do this process either at home or with a qualified professional in the field. Remembering that it will be necessary to bleach your strands for you to reach the so dreamed of pearly blonde.

If you choose to have your pearly blond hair done with a professional, he will make a complete hair evaluation to analyze if your strands are ready and healthy in order to receive the chemistry that will be used. 

If your hair passes this test, you will go to the bleaching step and of course the colorist will do this step and will work to get your hair to the desired shade.

If you choose to do it at home, don't forget to check the paints you will use, use brands that you are used to and that you trust, not for the price but for the quality of the product, because sometimes a cheap product will not bring the same result.

A tip is to test the strands before anything else, to know if your hair is ready to receive the chemical, it is very important that they are healthy and the product you are going to use does not harm your hair so much.

So it will make your hair and scalp remain healthy and even more beautiful after bleaching.

how to continue with color 

Here's how to continue with the pearly blonde color.

Once done, the pearly blonde hair needs even more attention as it has been subjected to chemistry. So invest in rebuilding products so your hair stays healthy and looking great.

If you followed a hair schedule, don't stop, keep going so your hair remains beautiful and healthy.

It is not recommended that you use hot water when washing your hair, as it can cause dryness and even fade your hair very quickly. That is, wash your hair with warm or cold water.

Use unsalted shampoos and that they are specific to colored hair, is a completely valuable tip and it is very important that you use products that are specific for colored hair. They will help in lasting the tone of your pearly blonde hair.

Besides, your hair needs more nutrients and these products have managed to do this function.

Using a tinting shampoo is also very important and completely essential and it should definitely be on your post-procedure care list. Use Leave-in or capillary oil on the ends of your hair, use a thermal protector before using a hair dryer or flat iron.

Finally, use sunscreen on your hair before going to swimming pools or beaches. After all, rock your new hairstyle with matching accessories.

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