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Patricinha's Nails: See how they should be

Today we are going to talk all about Patricia's nails, which have become a fever lately.

Keeping your nails always clean, well done and polished is one of the main points of being a preppy girl. Whether done by a manicure or by yourself at the salon or at home, the important thing is to have them perfect. Therefore, taking care of them is one of the priorities on the Patys list and this list must be followed precisely if you want or are a patty. Patricia's nails are usually painted pink, but they don't necessarily need to be that color, that's because the important thing is, as already said, to keep them well done.

Of course, in this list, there is also that topic that talks about health, because you can't have beautiful nails if they are not healthy. The nails are constantly exposed and some things that recur in everyday life can cause damage to them, making them weak and brittle.

So if you really want to be a Paty, I recommend you BeautVip! Its capsules have essential vitamins and minerals for nail health, making them grow faster and become stronger. It is also excellent for the threads, as it restores the hair's life, leaving it softer and silkier, reducing the fall and accelerating the growth and also leaves the skin soft and hydrated. Tell me if it's not the perfect product for the preppy girls?

Patricia's nails:

Patricia's nails are a big fad on social media.

For starters, I want to say how important it is to have your nail kit. In addition to being super cute, it is also essential for personal hygiene and to avoid contamination. In the list of commandments of the little girls, the extra topic is that the fingernails should be serviced weekly, while the toenails should be done every 15 days. Let's see what you'll need to make your preppy nail kit perfect.

Rules for keeping your preppy nails

Colors for Patricia's nails:

As I said at the beginning, Patricia's nails are usually pink and this is their trademark and what defines them the most. However, other colors such as red, lilac, white, nude and very light colors such as baby blue or pastel colors also make your nails soft and delicate like a paty.

Don't leave out the glitter, which also gives an extra charm to your preppy's nails. Use francesinhas, nails decorated with rhinestones and film to look even more beautiful. Know the shape, you can choose, but what's hot right now are stiletto nails.

Tip for yellowish nails:

Patricia's nails cannot, under any circumstances, be yellowish. Always pay close attention to this and take care. It's pretty easy! Put warm water and a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide volume 10 in a container, mix and dip your nails clean and without any nail polish. Soak your hands for about 10 minutes, take your nails out of the water, dry your hands well with a towel and you're done. Repeat the process in a few days if you feel it is necessary.

Tip for having big nails:

Some care must be taken to keep your nails always large, strong and shiny.

A Paty doesn't have too short nails, so I've put together some tips to help you keep your nails long.

Take all the tips I gave here, put everything in that pink personalized necessaire that we love and come with me! So, are you ready to be a sweetheart?

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